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Quila woke up the next morning, never thinking she'd miss her lumpy bed so much, but it was like heaven compared to the chains and brick wall in the basement she was being kept in. It was nearly noon now, her mother having gone to the market in her place. She groggily made herself something to eat and got dressed. Although she thought she could use a good cup of tea, she was hesitant to see Lee again since they kissed last night, so she headed to the marketplace instead. "Quila! You're up! What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at home?" Her mother greeted her worriedly when she saw her daughter. "It's fine, mom. I just need something to do, I can't stand being cooped up in the house all day, not doing anything." her mother was hesitant, but nodded. "Why don't you get back to your craft room. I'll handle things from here."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, mom. I just need things back to normal right now." She nodded and left back home while Quila took back over the stand. "Are you really sure you can do this today?" Gopan asked from beside her. "Yes, I'm sure. I've been chained to a wall for several days, I need to do something." He placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'm glad you're back."

"Me too." He smiled at her. "Gopan, I need to tell you something."

"What is it?" He asked, sensing her anxious tone. "About the rescue the other night. Something...happened."


"Do you promise not to tell anyone?"

"Quila, you're acting weird, what is it?"

"It's about Lee...he..." She fiddled with her fingers and looked away, blushing at the memory. "We kissed." Gopan was silent a moment. "You what?"

"We kissed. When he went to the basement to cut me free. I don't know how it happened, it was all so fast!"

"So...what does this mean?" He raised an eyebrow. "I...I'm not sure. It could have just been something that happened in the moment. Neither of us said anything while he was escorting me home last night. It was definitely uncomfortable."

"Did it feel like he meant it?"

"Excuse me?"

"The kiss; did it feel like he meant it?"

"What do you know about how a kiss feels?"

"I know enough, thank you."

"Wait. Have you kissed that girl you've been seeing? Nima?" His face turned pink. "That's--That's beside the point! We're talking about you and Lee!" Quila smirked, knowing her suspicions were confirmed. But he was right, they were focusing on her right now. "I don't know. I guess it did? But what if the feelings aren't mutual, and I make a fool of myself? Besides you, he's my only friend. I can't...I don't want to lose a friend."

"Tomorrow, you and me are going over to the tea shop to get this worked out. You're going to talk to Lee about what happened."

"But, Gopan--"

"Nope. You're doing it, that's final."

The next evening, Quila was walking out of her house to get something from the market, but was stopped by her best friend. "Where do you think you're going?"

"To the market?"

"Nope. We're going to the tea shop."

"Gopan, can't I just--"

"No. You're never going to stop thinking about it until you talk to him, now come on." He grabbed her by the arm and began dragging her to the familiar tea shop. Once there, they walked up to the counter and Mushi smiled at them. "Gopan! Tiger Lily! It's so nice to see you both. Your usuals today?"

"Sorry, Mushi, we're not here for tea. Is your nephew around?"

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid he's not." The old man replied as he filled a kettle. "He's not? Did he get off work early?" Gopan asked. Usually Lee was around until closing. "He has a date tonight." Mushi smiled, but didn't notice the confused look between Quila and Gopan. "A date? Where? With who?" Gopan prodded. "A nice girl named Jen. She comes in here quite a lot, and asked him out this morning. I believe they went over to the West Square. It's rather sweet, don't you think?" Quila's chest hurt. She looked down, a frown evident on her face. "That's great, we'll see you around, Mushi. Quila? Shall we?" He took her by the arm again, more gently this time, and lead her out of the shop. The door shut behind them and he turned to her. "Quila...I'm so sorry. I thought he liked you."

"Yeah. I thought so too...especially when he kissed me."


"You go home. I'm going to go for a walk and clear my head."

"Are you sure? It's getting late. I could come with you?" He asked, worried. "No. No, I'll be fine. I need to be alone a bit." Without saying goodbye, or waiting for a reply, she turned and walked away, heading towards the West side. Gopan sighed and shook his head. "Spying won't make you feel better." He said under his breath and turned the other way to make his way back home.

It had gotten dark and Quila finally found them. They were eating outside at a restaurant, and Quila was unsure of what she was so worried about. She could feel how awkward they were from across the square. She hardly held back a laugh when Lee attempted to juggle and spilled several food items on his hair and clothes. They were uncomfortable through the whole dinner, until they both stood and the girl took his hand and lead him away from the square. "Where are you two going?" She whispered to herself and followed them through the dark streets, utilizing some of her black bandit skills to avoid detection.

They finally arrived at a fountain with many lanterns around it, but they were all unlit, and from the rooftop she was hiding on, Quila could tell the girl was disappointed. And Lee looked sad to see her that way. He said something to her, and she closed her eyes. Quila watched as he took a deep breath and brought his fingers together, then in several swift movements, fire came from his fingers and lit all the fountains. Quila's eyes shot wide and she had to put a hand to her mouth to keep her from screaming. Lee was a fire bender! The girl opened her eyes again and was amazed to see all the lights lit. Quila thought this couldn't get any worse until the girl reached over and held his hand. Quila furrowed her eyebrows as they turned to face each other. She could only guess what would happen next. Or could she? As she was about to lean in he held up a piece of paper in between their faces and Quila sighed with relief. The girl accepted the paper and Zuko side-stepped away from her, rubbing the back of his neck. They exchanged a few more words that the water bender couldn't quite pick up, but her feeling of relief didn't quite last. She reached up and turned Zuko's face so he was looking at her. He closed his eyes and she stood on her tip-toes and leaned on his shoulders. Quila felt a burning in her stomach and she balled her fist as she kissed him. And he kissed her back! She turned around and leaned against the side of the roof. She fought back tears in her eyes.

Not only was he a fire bender living in Ba Sing Se, but he had now torn her heart up and stomped on it. Quila almost let the tears come then, but she slid off the roof and rushed home, waiting until her face was in her pillow to cry. That was it for her and Lee and the tea shop. She could never trust a fire bender.

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