Interview with Carl (GhostOfTheIceberg)

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[(Questions by Emily (Oh_Nostalgia)]

Okie dokie, artichokie, this interview is for the account so we might want to talk about all that important stuff. Before Author Games, you hosted quite a few of your own Games. How different is it to be part of a team instead of working alone?

Quite different! There's a lot less work for me to do, because Lizzie does the executive stuff, but it's also more stressful because if I don't do it properly, I'm letting people down - plus, it's a much higher caliber than the Games I used to run. I don't get to be a totalitarian dictator anymore, which is a little disappointing, but democracies are pretty cool too.

You seem like the type who joins Games left and right. How do you manage to make so many tributes and still make them all unique? 

I seem like the type? Emily, you know I have like seven tributes right now. To be fair, a lot of them are quite similar. My trick to make them seem different is to play with their storyline; use the arena and other tributes to make them seem different. Obviously, they can't all be the same character because that won't suffice, but if you change a few traits here and there and use the actual Games to propel you, it works well enough.

So you do them both. Which do you like better- hosting or participating?

Ooh, that's tricky! I love participating because I get to make characters and use them in creative Games with brilliant tasks. But I love hosting even more because I get to turn my ideas into tasks and watch other characters develop throughout the Games. Still, if there were a way to do both without bias, I'd do it. 

Elpis is kind of the calm and collected type of Gamemaker. Are you at all like him or is he a completely different person from you?

Depends on who you ask! In everyday life, I've the reputation of being fiery and temperamental. However, as a Gamemaker, I do tend to be distant, apathetic-ish and a tad overenthusiastic in a weird sort of way. He's a satire of some of my worst traits, but these traits aren't constant in me.

Enough of all this serious stuff, let's get to the fun stuff! Go look in your refrigerator right now. What is the weirdest food that you see? What is the best?

I'm going to say the weirdest food is probably the green ketchup, but my mum likes it. No, I don't know why it's green. No, I have no interest in trying it. As for the best, I'd probably say the sausage and potatoes. I've had it three meals in a row now.

Not green ketchup! That came straight from Hell, I am not joking. Speaking of Hell, what is your favorite fandom that you are in?

Oh, that's hard! I mean, Game of Thrones is perfect, but I'm neck-deep in the Supernatural right now - already almost done season two - so I'm in love with that right now.

Ah- hah! Supernatural made I list. Another fandom I know you must be into- Hunger Games. Do you think you could survive.? If so, how? I feel like you are the ‘seduce them and then backstab them’ type, just saying.

I probably could survive the Hunger Games, depending on the circumstances. I'm reasonably athletic, and actually fairly good with a bow and arrow - plus, I don't think I'd have a problem killing people if I had to. But yes, I probably would be the type to downplay myself and get someone to keep me alive until I can slit their throat and run. Oops.

You do a lot of theatre, right? What was your favorite role that you have done?

Ooh, that's tricky! Most of my roles have been a bit dodgy - I mean, my key roles include a genocidal dictator, a trophy wife, and a sailor obsessed with a prostitute. I'm probably going to say the most fun was probably the sailor.

And the most important question in the history of question- who do you think is the most attractive celebrity out there? Yes, just one!

Okay, next joke. I can't pick just one, especially considering I can't choose between Jensen Ackles and Natalie Dormer.

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