Extract From 'Sunshine and Sparkles'

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['Sunshine and Sparkles' is the official blog of Kalea Farris, infamous Capitol personality and recently appointed Gamemaker. Dedicated followers of the blog refer to themselves as 'Sparkies']

Hello there, my lovelies!!! I really hope you're all well and aren't letting this horrible rebellion get you all down. Now pay attention, eager Sparkies. I have big news for you all from the big guys at the top! As you all know, things are a little bit tricky right now, so we've come up with some little pieces of helpful advice for you all. Be sure to like, tag and circulate and stay gorgeous, always!!

~ Kalea :3


As you are aware, the Capitol is in a state of seige. Rebels have breached the defences and are attempting to take over by any means possible. The streets are no longer safe for civilians. These rules have been implemented by the President, with the counsel of the Gamemakers, in order to minimize injury and loss of life.

Do NOT panic. Panic is contagious and leads to chaos and confusion, which can only lead to more serious consequences. Remain calm throughout.

Report to your nearest Security Bunker IMMEDIATELY. Do NOT stop to collect personal belongings; all Bunkers are supplied with plentiful clothes, hygiene supplies and medication. If you do not know where your nearest Bunker is, directions are available on the Capitolnet. Simply enter your address on the 'Heath and Security' page and a map will be printed.

Once in the Bunker, you will NOT be allowed to exit until the threat is eliminated. This will be communicated directly to the Bunker by the President ONLY. Any other 'clearances' are rumour and are to be ignored.

Each Bunker has a network of food and drink supplies which are run by designated citizens. However, though these networks are extensive, they are to be not to be used excessively. Food will be rationed. Full details on rationing can be found in the Bunker. Yes, this is harsh. But in order to remain in control of the situation whatever happens, we must be prepared for the worst.

Should the Bunker be discovered and attacked, there is an automatic locking system that can be triggered internally or externally. Shoud this system fail, a selection of weapons are available in a hidden compartment, the location of which is known only by the designated 'leader' of each Bunker. It is also their job to deal with any disturbances according to a set of rules which have been provided by the President.

For your own comfort and entertainment each Bunker contains Capitolnet stations (where updates on stopping the rebellion will be posted), a small gymnasium, several telescreens and a collection of available shows. Please use these responsibly.

ABOVE ALL, please stay calm and retain a positive attitude. The Capitol command are doing their utmost to ensure your safety so that you may return to normal life as soon as possible.

By order of,

Miss Alithia Warwell, President and Head Gamemaker

Miss Pandora Kleio, Vice President and Gamemaker


Kalea Farris and Elpis Regnum, Gamemakers.


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