Interview with the Gamemakers

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Hello! It's Nox here, fully recovered from that nasty cold! I was bedbound, and it was horrible! But don't worry, friends and followers, because I'm better now!

Unfortunately, I was due to interview our Gamemakers, but they declined to see me before I recovered. No matter; I sent a cameraman to them and asked them to be each other! I was so excited to see the responses, and I'm sure you are too. So here they are!

Vinella interviews Alithia:

Each year during the games we allow tributes to take a petty little item into the arena to provide some form of ‘comfort’ during their stay. Now, darling, I am bursting like the colour yellow on Drissoniam fashion week to know what you would take with you. Spill all?

I don’t have many trinkets. Sentimental toys…there’s no point in them. However, I do have a brooch of my family crest that my remaining family gave me the day I became a Gamemaker; I’ve worn it every day since. They intended it to remind me that the Warwells can achieve anything, once we put our mind to it. So that.

So come on you steel box of pent-up emotions! What are you absolutely petrified of?

You when you’ve been denied your chocolate covered strawberries. What, this is a serious question? Not much. Fear is pointless. And if I was scared of anything, I wouldn’t reveal it to you.

For years the Capitol has been able to enhance the looks of human tissue to change the outside...yet lately there have been rumours circling on enhancing particular abilities that one possesses. If your body could do anything you liked, anything at all, what would it be, and why?

I would love to be able to fly, simply for the freedom. Things in the Capitol can be quite cramped, especially with the other Gamemakers around all the time. It would be nice to be able to get away from it all without having to have an escort. Since flying is currently beyond us, I would increase my endurance so I didn’t have to sleep.

What ‘new’ thing do you want to see in the fast-approaching games? As in, something that’s never been seen before...

Good question. We have seen so much in our Games that it’s almost impossible to ask anything more of the tributes. However, we’ve only ever had one Capitol tribute survive past the bloodbath, and it would be good to see more competent representation for our glorious home.

And for my last question I’m going to have to ask you to pass me the chocolate coated strawberries. I am dying of hunger here!

There. Enjoy them. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a meeting with Leporis Honeyman. Good day.

Alithia interviews Pandora:

You must have grown up watching the Games, and before ‘Memoranda of Terror’ you were interviewed with a few questions on your first year of Gamemaking. Now that it's done, how did it feel?

It was an absolute honour to obtain such a noble and respected position. Obviously it was a serious responsibility; not something entrusted to just anyone. However, I was not at all nervous about my ability to perform in the role. I find modesty is a complete waste of my precious time. Therefore I have no qualms in saying that I was born to do this. What can I say? I guess I’m just talented.

Pandora, if the magazine covers are anything to go by, it would be no exaggeration to say that you're the up-and-coming talent of the Capitol. The people out there adore you, but if you could change one thing about the Capitol, what would it be?

I’ll just say this: whoever thought that orange was an acceptable colour for clothing was seriously disturbed. Come on people; put a little pride in your appearance.

I've heard it said that you and Vinella together would organise the best party in Panem. If you’re organising a party, what’s the first thing you do?

Compile a blacklist. Invitations to my parties are coveted. I’d like to keep it that way. With your choice in clothes? Not a chance. After the way you addressed me last week? Don’t get your hopes up. With a personality as wet as District Seven in the spring? Dream on.

We already know modesty isn't your strong point, but you must have had some help. It's not every overconfident wannabe who becomes a Gamemaker. So what’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

Only cowards are considerate with their words. If you have something to say then you should never be afraid to make it known. In fact, if you speak ten sentences without causing offence to at least one person, you must be an intolerably dull person.

Finally, with the next Games looming so close, do you have any advice for potential tributes?

Focus on your own game. Never ponder the superiority or inferiority of the competition. Never allow personal relationships to colour your perception of the Games. The only tribute you should be considering is yourself; everyone else is mere distraction. There is a reason why the say: ‘it is always the quiet ones’. The winners are invariably the ones who focus on the task at hand and not petty rivalries.

Pandora interviews Vinella:

The Capitol is known for its dedication to fashion. What would you consider the worst fashion faux-pas?

Everything and anything ever worn on a reaping day... like ever. That drab collection of ashen cloth and smart shoes? Oh dear god I’m blessed to not be an escort.

You have excelled in the honourable duty of reminding the District’s children that disobedience brings great peril ever since your involvement in ‘Seasons’. What is your favourite time of the year and why?

Oh the delectable season of summer of course! So much ravishing happenings to love and adore! We have the arrival of Lummerings fashion week which is my absolute fave. And then we have the growth of strawberries when they are at their most best! Oh why I can’t wait for Summer! Especially this summer, and especially June...

What is your most prized possession?

My big book of fashion contacts. Yes. Oh, or my cute little Avox that serves me food....It’s rather sweet, I like it when it does that. Vinella. There is a noticeable diversity amongst the Game-makers. How would you describe your personal style when it comes to game-making? 

Oh... Well. However much the Games are most grande and spectacular... I feel... sadness; just a little wave inside of dying fire. Well I mean - what an ugly place twenty-so children spend their last moments in. No. I won’t stand for it! Everything deadly can be beautiful, so I just try to... spruce up their little time left on this earth.

So Vinella.... now, I must say - your love for chocolate coated strawberries is no secret – roughly how long could you last without a fix of your darling treats?

Oh my Featherling Winter Collection. I don’t think I can, child. They are my weakness... but to think of such things! A life without chocolate coated strawberries. No, no! I won’t give thought to the matter! I would feel like some common District Eight dog! Dieting... Such things cannot be asked of a me.

Well, there you have it ladies and gentlemen! Our Gamemakers in their own words! I hope you found that as entertaining as I did, and we hope you're looking forward to June the seventeenth, ready for the start of the next Author Games!

Nox oxox

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