Chapter nine:Pathetic theif

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The two lights collide on their target at the same time making a huge impact and causing the ground shaking violently,the whole being suddenly felt the strong pressure on the two lights made them panicked.

Unfortunately,two tall trees suddenly are going to fell down in the ground at the same time and making the huge smoke around covering the whole scenes.

After awhile,the smoke slowly vanished until revealing the whole scene, suddenly a silhouette immerge in the middle of battle field like road,the silhouette was fiercely standing while the black hanfu and the silvery hair fluttering menacingly by the strong wind,her purple bright phoenix eyes blinking beautifully with long curved eyelashes like butterfly.

Tian shi who standing there safely and sound was calmly look at her two side,where the two person vomiting a mouthful blood with a perplexed state,she put her arms at her back and she take a deep sighed.

The two little uncle and aunt has a same state,their face went more paled made them like a death corps,they look towards the person on the center with the glint on their eyes,if not she jump suddenly she couldn't scape and they didn't receive a huge blow.

"Bastard demon!!!" After she regain her strength back,Xiao xing suddenly flew towards her direction like a blast of lightning and rapidly raising her fist with a white light leaking out on it that ready to hit her.

Tian shi look at her with a cold expression to her eyes,she look carefully to the person coming near from her like a surging strong wind,she then stare the fist that surrounded by the white light without blinking.

Unfortunately, suddenly the person who surging like a blast on her front teleporting without warning,she appeared suddenly on her front with her fist that going to hit her face,but when she about hit her face suddenly the person on her front vanished in just a blink and she only hit the air made her gritted her teeth in anger. She was landed in the ground with nothing but she drag her face with shame,why did that girl vanished in a second?




When she about to search her surrounding she couldn't saw her presence and she couldn't help but to frowned,but on her horror she was startled when there's an uproar sound of lightning behind her.

She hastily turned around to look what just that sound coming and she saw many of the black smokes in different direction surging towards her,made her not ready to depend herself.

However,before the black smokes can go towards her,another person appeared in the air and blocking the way of black smokes.


Another thunderous sound rang,the strand of white light surging out in the body of a young lady in the black hanfu she wore,only raising her arms the strand of light suddenly striking those black smokes and made them fly away in every direction,due to the strong energy coming out from the lights they where hitting in the trees while the others was landed in the ground.

When the black smokes hit themselves in different direction, suddenly the black smokes was transform one by one into a bulge human with the same black cloak.

Seeing they transform the young lady who was floating before she slowly put her feet landed,while her back was facing the little Xiao xing and Xioa long who right now standing on her side.

After what happened the deathly silent surrounded them while the low sound of groaning ranging coming from the men,who lied down,the two was stunned behind when they saw the scenery on their front and they look in the person back with shock on their face.

The young lady on their back didn't do anything but she still stood up there,she coldly watched the men groaning and their crying,just one attacking them without difficulty they're just simple flew away with slight strength,she sluggish turned around to look at the two person behind her.

Seeing who is the person on their front,they couldn't help but their jaw was drop down,Tian shi phoenix eyes landed on them with stoic expression drawn by her goddess face.

The two was dumbfounded staring at her aura,just before they accusing her as a demon but after she attack those black smokes in just a blink of eye they suddenly turn a stone,plus she could summoning of white light,only cultivator who can reach of the stage of immortality can do summoning that class of light,the aura that surging out on her body before made them also shock,it wasn't because it was powerful but that kind of aura was...

"I'm not demon." She languished said with cold manner. "I'm just awakened like this in the road and see my difference by the others."

"I don't know who I am,if I have a parents,even my origin I don't know,I am homeless trying to poured my needs using my innate talent by stealing someone money,mingled in other business, pestering the other to collect information."

Every word that she blurted out was filled of pain and loneliness made the two heartache and pitied her,but she was stubborn to maintain the cold on her aura around her, just one commotion she move their heart.

Xioa xing suddenly let down her guard and her heart was suddenly melted,she regret her action before and she unconsciousness rapped her nape that made her screamed,due to the pain she cause.

"Sorry." Xiao long who was silent before,suddenly spoke in a mosquito voice made him look funny.

Seeing their are believed to her,she couldn't help but smile happily then she patted the two heads,her heart was in rejoicing due to the extreme feelings that flow down feelings vain,it was second time she feel happy because of that two person.

The two giggled when they saw the happiness on her face,they stared on her lovely face that expressing her own emotions,causing her to act like a child.

After the time was past,they curiosity killed them and they started to ask her more on herself,but like the first she only tell her own journey when she walked in three days past.

Soon,the sky was prior to set soon and they already said their farewell due to their mission,Tian shi didn't complain on their departure until they couldn't see her shadow and only two of them walking together.

"Xiao long,what do you think at her?" Xiao xing ask. "She was really pathetic,ah?!" She turned her head in her side to look at him,who didn't tear apart his eyes in his green pouch that he hold.

She nodded while he grimace,"Yeah,really pathetic,she was really pathetic and made her a chance to scape." He said grievously that still staring on his pouch.

"That bastard,she cheat me made my heart move and just now my money was...pathetic thief!!!"

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