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they both loved the sky and the scintillating stars were like fairy-dust against the sombre blanket above them.

hinako laid down beside yuta, her head resting comfortably on the grass but the pumping organ in her chest said otherwise as it was beating at the speed of a shooting star travelling through space.

"it's you, hinako," he whispered. she could see his ravishing eyes, the poetry written in them.

her cheeks were rose-tinted, but the shade was invisible in the serene darkness. "it's me."

they laid down, allowing the grass to tickle them. but they did not move a single inch.

"can i ask you a question?" she said, turning to face him.

yuta was peering at the stars, his eyes an imitation. slowly, he rolled over to his side. maybe hinako had burning red cheeks but who could tell, as their faces were inches apart with his unresolved feelings their only hindrance.

"what is it?" he said, his voice slightly above a whisper.

"have you ever tasted a cosmic wonder?"

yuta was slightly perplexed but his curiosity took over. "i haven't."

"well, i know what it tastes like," hinako replied.

"oh really?" yuta questioned. "what does it taste like?"

"a little sour but mostly sweet," she replied, "maybe like a watermelon-flavoured mint."

"really?" he remarked. "peculiar."

hinako chuckled, her heart pounding. "do you wanna taste it for yourself?"


"close your eyes," hinako whispered. "you won't get the proper experience with your eyes open."

"if you say so," he said, a small smile on his face.

yuta closed his eyes gently, allowing his long eyelashes to rest like tiny blankets below his eyelids. suddenly, he felt the taste of watermelon on his lips.

he parted them and let the taste flow through his mouth, bullets flying and each one of them landing on any part of his heart they could find.

at this point, hinako did not have a care in the world. neither did he.

yuta placed his hands on her face and flipped them over, allowing him to be on top.

hinako could feel tears dripping onto her face. but she felt a smile against her own mouth. 

– ☽ – 

love is painful

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