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(A/N) at this point you two are already in a relationship but it's not public. Bakugo is still suspicious but Kirishima already forgot about the incident on your date. Also, this is before the Halloween chapter.

Your POV

Class was going pretty fast today, so I barely noticed that the bell rang.

"Y/n. Y/N. Y/N!"

"Hmm? Oh, sorry Fumi. Guess I didn't hear the bell."

"Whatever. Are you ready? We're still going to my house aren't we? My mom wants to meet you."

"Of course. Let's go."

We walk out of the building but I walk a good ten feet ahead so no one gets suspicious. We round the corner and walk about a block. I stopped at the corner, waiting for a car to pass. I was about to step into the street when I feel a large and calloused hand grab mine.

"You really need to pay more attention to your surroundings."

Only then did I realize that I had almost gotten run over.

"Ahh! Thanks for saving me from being turned into a pancake."

Just in that moment my stomach growls. I should have eaten lunch today.

"You shouldn't have said pancake. Did you eat lunch today?" Damn! He sees right through me.

"I was distracted."

"OK, well, come on. Let's get you some food." With that my doting boyfriend grabbed my hand and started walking. I immediately blush a deeper red than his eyes but try not to let him know. We make it to our street and he still hasn't really noticed what he's done. I stop to tie my shoe. As I let go of his hand I see a look of realization cover his face.

Fumi's POV

Shit! Was I holding her hand this whole time? Did she notice? She would have said something, wouldn't she? Crap! What do I do? Do I say something? Before I can overanalyse the situation too much she finishes tying her shoe and grabs my hand, a blush present on her cheeks.

Your POV

He leads me into his house that I am now well familiar with. Without a word we drop our bags and slide off our shoes and he takes me to the kitchen. I sit at a bar stool at the island in the center of the kitchen. He pulls out some snacks and gets us drinks. We eat in total silence and I'm getting a bit worried. Did I do something? Is he mad? He finally speaks up.

"Wanna watch something?"


We make our way to the couch. We watch some random TV show. As it starts to get cold, Fumi grabs a blanket and puts it over us. We're close but he seems a little off.

"Fumi, are you mad at me? Did... uh... did I do something?"

"What?! Of course not! I just wasn't sure how to act after I held your hand for so long without your permission. I wasn't... wasn't sure how you felt about it." He says, stuttering and looking bashfully at his lap.

Subconsciously, I grab his hand.

"You just took me by surprise a bit, that's all."

He gives me a peck (I meant it like a little kiss but the pun was totally intended anyway) on my head before resting his on my shoulder.

About a half hour goes by before his mother comes home. She looks over at me. I whisper a little hello. She walks over and asks why I'm whispering.

"Fumi fell asleep while we were watching TV."

"Fumi? Oh, you must be his girlfriend. Y/n, right?" I nod in response, trying not to wake my boyfriend.

"Well, sweetie, stay as long as you like."

"Thank you. I'm going to move him to his room if you don't mind." His mom nods and I lift Fumi using a shadow (Again, if you forgot your quirks check in chapter three, 'quirl apprehension test'). I make my way to his room and place him on his bed. I pull his desk chair over and sit beside him. I wait about fifteen minutes before he starts to wake up.

" Y/n? Oh, I fell asleep. I'm sorry."

"It's fine. Don't worry about it."

It being Friday and already really late, his mom said I should stay. I explained to her that I only live right down the street but she insisted. Fumi lent me a shirt and some sweats to sleep in, both black by the way. I was headed to the guest bedroom but his mom stopped me.

"I'm sorry, Y/n. I forgot but we moved some things we're donating into the room so you'll have to stay with Fumikage. Is that alright?" I flash her a small smile and nod. "That's alright."

I made my way back to Fumi's room. He suddenly pulled me to him and we cuddled til we both were asleep.

(A/N) so I know I got a bit off topic but at least this chapter was a bit longer. Also, I write using female pronouns but you can change them as you wish. Sorry for the long wait only to get a pretty shitty chapter but I just haven't been very motivated. Anyway, thanks for reading. Vote, comment, any feedback is welcome. Suggestions are appreciated but just keep in mind, I don't do lemon or lime or anything. I hope you liked this accidental awkward fluff.

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