chapter two

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➣ben's car

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ben's car

You hop into Ben's Jeep once school ends. It looks kinda beat up on the outside and well.. it kinda is. The front seat is fine, although there are some empty water bottles in the glove compartment, the backseat is the issues. Ben has a bunch of his soccer gear jammed between the second row and the passenger seat. The trunk is full because he has a bunch of his sister's old toys that he's supposed to bring to Good Will, but he keeps forgetting. Along with his soccer stuff, a chip bag sits on the seat, next to his school laptop that he broke last week when he dropped his bag down the stairs. He's managed to hide that he broke it from both the school and his parents really well.

You love his car, but it could use a lot of work.

"Do you need the address-" 

"I'm pretty sure this is the third time I've driven you this month" Ben laughs, "I got it"

You roll your eyes as he starts the car, pulling out of the school parking lot. You talk to each other about your days, etc. His hand rests over yours on the center console as you drive.

You arrive at your mom's office. As Ben pulls up in front of the door, you grab your bag off the floor and make sure you have everything. His car stops.

"You all set?" Ben looks at you and smiles.

"Yep!" You smile back, leaning over and kissing him quickly, "I'll text you after this family dinner," you roll your eyes and he laughs, "Maybe you can come over to do the English work"

Ben nods and smiles, "Yeah that sounds good" He kisses you again and you giggle, "Bye cutie"

"Byeeeee" You smile at him as you get out of the car, waving at him as he drives away.

You watch as he drives away and then you turn to the doors. Your mom works for Atlantic Records, the buildings beautiful, and you know it like the back of your hand. Walking in the door, you quickly get waves from many of your mom's coworkers. You make your way to the check-in desk. The woman working their, Kelly, she's usually there, smiles at you.

"Hello y/n! Looking for your mom I assume?"

"Yep" you laugh, "She in her office?"

"Shee isss..." Kelly looks through a schedule on the computer, "Actually no! She's in recording studio B3"

"That's a new one," you grab your phone and type it down so you don't forget.

"Yeah!" Kelly writes down quick instructions on where the studio is and hands them to you, "She got assigned to another band today, their blowing up and got given extra managers"

You nod "Wow. Good for them," Kelly nods too, "Well thanks, Kelly!" 

You're walking around the floor you're meant to be on, scanning the studio numbers. Then you see it, B3. As quietly as you can you open the door. You can already hear voices inside, but they aren't singing so you know you can be a little louder. You open the door fully to reveal who's in the room. On a couch you see five young boys, all laughing and talking to two men around your mom's age. You also see your mom, who looks back at you and smiles.

"Y/n! You got here quickly" She turns around fully as you walk into the room, dropping your backpack by the door.

"There wasn't any traffic," You shrug. You come to stand next to your mom, now realizing all five of the boys are staring at you, you blush a little.

Your mom looks back and forth and then lets out a little laugh, "I suppose I should introduce you. Boys this is my daughter, y/n"

They all say hi and wave a little, you wave back.

She gestures to the boys as she says their names, "And this is Corbyn," he waves with a little smile.

"Jonah," he just smiles and then turns to Corbyn. They begin talking quietly.

"Daniel," Daniel waves and says hi again, smiling widely.

"Jack," he throws up a peace sign, not really looking at you.

"And Zach," you focus your gaze on the last boy. He hadn't moved his eyes away from you during the whole introduction. Smirking, he waves at you.

Your mom turns to you, "And their band name is Why Don't We"


okay now its gonna get interesting lololol

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2019 ⏰

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