Little Prince~

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Kenny looked at Alex "Tell me about yourself, Kensworth." Alex smiled smugly as Kenny shook his head, letting out a small chuckle "Well my full name is Kenny Kotaro. And I'm from South Korea and I came to the US when I was 4. I love to write and draw most of the time." Alex nodded "So... Are you gay. You don't have to tell me.. I just wanna know. " Alex said slowly and hesitantly " Yes I am. Are you?" Alex choked a bit "Y-yes.... Very gay. I may not look like your typical gay guy but yup. " Kenny smiled widely "That's funny hehe. Tell me about YOU!" Alex tilted his head " Well. I'm from Missouri. I really like kpop and I like Yuri. Specifically Citrus ((Yuri anime, it's a fucking good show and manga)) And I like to draw as well." Kenny nodded, crossing his legs "Oh. I like yaoi and Yuri heh. You seem like you vape." Alex nods "I do. How did you know?" he chuckles softly "By your style. It's very edgy and aesthetically pleasing heh." Alex raised his eyebrows, letting out a dramatic gasp "KENSWORTH ARE YOU TRYING TO FLIRT WITH ME!?!" Kenny's eyes widened "W-what i-i'd never!" He blushed in embarrassment, Alex leaning in as he chuckled lowly into Kenny's ear, Kenny blush insanely as Alex looked into his eyes "What's the matter, baby boy?" He whispered softly, Kenny's eyes about to burst outta the sockets as he thought to himself "HOW THE FUCK DID HE KNOW I WAS A LITTLE!?! He's a damn psychic... WITCH WITCH WITCH!!!" Kenny looked at him, mumbling back shyly "N-nothing Dada... " Alex bit his lip gently "Goods." Alex leaned back in his chair, man spreading like a motherfucker as the bell rang, Kenny getting up as he rushed outta class before Alex could get a word out.
Second part. I hope someone reads this shit 😂 I'm a desperate hoe. But if you got to the end. Thanks ya whore! 😘

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