Chapter 5

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Y/n pov

Before we had left Omashu Aang had realized his old friend Boomey is Omashu's king and he had learned a lot he also with me and Boomey went on one more package ride which was fun we did end up somehow crashing into the cabbage seller's cart again he had screamed," My cabbages!"

We are chilling in our camping spot Aang chilling on the roots of a dead tree. I am meditating while Katara is putting stuff away. I heard Momo before he landed on my lap. I opened my eyes to see Saka Aang said," Great your back! What's for dinner?" He came down next to Saka I went over too.

Saka responded," We've got a few options. First round nuts and some kind of oval shaped nuts, and some rock shape nuts that might just be rocks." He threw one behind him landing next to Momo. Saka said," Dig in." We all look at each other except Saka Katara asked," Seriously what else do you got?"

Saka looked inside his bag Momo had picked up the nut Saka threw near him. He hit on the rock next to him a few times he next took it with both hands and slammed it on the rock a boom went when it hit the rock. The boom suprised us we all looked toward where it came from Saka asked," What was that!"

Momo dropped the rock on the rock when it hit the rock a boom was heard again scaring poor Momo he ran over and went on my shoulder I gave a smile next petted his head gently. Aang said pointing toward where the noise is coming from," It's coming from over there!" Me, Katara, and Aang went toward the noise Saka yelled," Shouldn't we be run away from huge booms not toward them!"

I smirked I yelled back," And where's the fun in that?" Saka yelled," Living." He ran after us we all are watching a guy earth bending Katara said quietly," An Earthbender." Aang said," Let's go meet him." Katara and Aang look at me I shrugged," Sure sounds fun." We look at Saka when he starts speaking," He looks dangerous, so we better approach cautiously."

I said," Or we could do it Katara's way." Saka looked at me from the Earthbender," What?" Then Katara said catching our attention," Hello there I'm Katara, what your name?" He looked at her confused and suprised the rock he was bending raised some before the rock dropped fear and nervousness on his face his face he fled using Earthbending to block the path now behind him.

We walked to Katara who seemed disappointed Aang yelled to the guy," Nice to meet you!" Katara said confused," I just wanted to say hi?" Aang said," Hey that guy is gotta be running somewhere, maybe we're near a village. I said," And I bet that village has a market." Katara finished," Which means no nuts for dinner!" We run after the guy to find the village.


We finally found the village we began to explore Aang got a hat for nuts. I look to see Katara going ahead I followed we both saw the guy from earlier Katara said," Hey." She started going to the place the rest of us followed her to it she opened the door she said," Hey your that kid."

The turned around suprised Katara asked," Why did you run away before?" The responded nervous," Uhhh. You must have me confused with some other kid." I caught on I was to get them to stop but Aang said walking forward," No she doesn't we saw you Earthbending."

The guy let out a gasp and made a fear filled face the older woman did too. They quickly shut the shudders and door the older woman I asked," They saw you doing what?" The guy said," They're crazy mom, I mean look at how they're dressed. He motioned to us,' Well that does made since after all Katara and Saka are wearing Water tribe clothing not normal for them.

Aang's airbender monk clothing don't help either that's super not normal. But I'm in Earth Nation clothing not Air, Water, or Fire Nation clothing.' The woman said," You know how dangerous that is. You what would happen if they caught you Earthbending.

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