Chapter 2

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Y/n pov

They start fixing up their camp Aang said excited," Wait till you see it Katara the Air temple is one of the most beautiful places in the world." Katara said concerned," Aang, I know your excited to go home. But, it's been hundred years since you've been home." Aang answered he looking to her," That's why I'm so excited!" Katara said still worried," It's just that a lot can change in all that time."

Aang said still excited," I know that's why I want to see it for myself." I said concerned for him," But what if it's a bad change not a good change Aang? Not that there could be a good change." He paused when he landed on the ground he said," Maybe. But I won't know till we get there." My eyes widened,' He answered me!' I looked to Katara she raises a eyebrow at him.

Aang walked to Sokka he said loudly to the snoring Sokka," Wake up Sokka! Air temple here we come!" Sokka groaned he said exhausted," Sleep now temple later." He started snoring again I smirk seeing a stick I whispered to Aang," Use the stick to scare him awake." Aang grew a evil grin he grabbed the stick he yelled," Sokka! Wake up! There's a Brikle Snake in your sleeping bag!"

Aang moved the stick around on his sleeping bag. This made Sokka scream jumping around in his sleeping bag he yelled," Get it off! Get it off!" Then he fell to ground I was laughing it was funny Katara had giggled. Aang said pleased with himself," Great your awake let's go."


I heard a rumble I looked to my left to see Saka holding his stomach looking at it he said," Hey, stomach be quiet alright I'm trying to find us some food." He went looking for something until he pulled out a sack. He tried to grab something with his tongue out then moved it his hand around only to get crumbs.

Saka said annoyed," Hey, who ate all my blubber seal jerky?" Aang said nonchalantly," Oh, that was food?" He looked back at Saka he said nonchalantly," I used it to start the camp fire last night, sorry." Saka said loudly," You what!" Saka sighed he said distraught," No wonder the flames smelled so good." I giggled I said to him," There there Saka at least animals didn't eat it and you got to smell it."

Aang said in response," That's true." I looked at Aang suprised I thought shocked,' Seriously how can he keep hearing me!?' Aang said excited," Look the Batala mountain range we're almost there!" Katara looked at Aang she said concerned," Aang. Before we get to the temple I want to talk to you about the airbenders." She looks down Aang asks curious," What about um?"

Katara said sadly," Well I just want you to be prepared for what you might see." She looks down she continues," The Fire Nation is ruthless they killed my mother, they could of done the same to your people." I see this made Aang sad so I said to cheer him up it's true I've seen one it's the girl with the prince," They could be still alive out there hiding."

Aang said looking at her," Just because no one has seen an airbender doesn't mean the Fire Nation killed them all." He looked forward again he said," They probably escaped." Katara said," I know it's hard to except." Aang said," You don't understand Katara the only way to get to an Airbender temple is an Fly Bison and I doubt the Fire Nation have any Flying Bision. Right Apa?"

He petted Apa, Apa made a grunt noise Aang said," Yip yip." We went up the mountain finally see the Air temple. He said," There it is, the Southern Air Temple." Katara said," Aang it's amazing!" Aang whispered," We're home buddy, we're home."

I smile seeing him so happy I said," Now to play Airball or... at least watch." I frown reminding myself of being trapped in the Spirit World.


Aang was running ahead me running after him while the other two walk I said," This is so cool! I haven't been here in forever! Maybe Monk Geotzo is still around?" I giggled," That would make him at two hundred five if I had to guess." Aang said," Really?" I looked at him," You can hear me again?" He stopped he nodded Aang said," Yeah?" I smiled," I'm-"

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