Fire deer

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They are absolutely beautiful.

They have a really goldenish hide that blends in with their forest habitats. The hooves about about the size of your bullets. The deer themselves are the size of a small dog, like a wolf pup.

And, no, they don't eat humans. They eat the bark of the Mysitona trees, the creature on the cover. Over all, they're very peaceful.

But, there have been times when a warrior comes home from a war riding on a fire deer, with stories of the fighting! Everything is closed, and all the schools are let out early. I love it when a warrior would return after war with the Rusgwy riding one! I'll have to make a history book about Elvela to tell about that.

So, fire deer can be both peaceful, which is how they normally are, or deadly, which is how Elvela's enemies always ride into battle on one.

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