"would you like a quirk Midoriya? Well we can help with that"
"You killed them! You fucking killed them"
"It wouldn't have happened if they weren't so stubborn, but let's talk about your quirk first"
Izuku Midoriya was take...
How it works: three dice are formed at the will of the user's hand with multiple powers and number that the user could use
A 24 sided die- determines what power the user will be given A 12 side's die- determines how strong the power would be (1 weakest and 12 the strongest) And a 6 sided die to show how long the power will last (1 hour - 6 hours)
The quirk can be stopped before the time limit, but cannot go over it.
(I have not determined what all 24 powers will be, so we'll have to decide while we go through the story.)
What villain Deku dresses up as for his first 10 years of being a villain:
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He dresses like this cause green is his thing. Except he wears red contacts and a metal teeth like mask so people won't know his identity if they live to tell the police about it.
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Like these. He has a love for blood (from hanging around Toga too much) so he made himself this to be more intimidating and he has a habit of biting people as a way of torture so the teeth help there too.
Ok new add-on, deku has a pet nomu now I don't have a name yet tho (it's Fluffy)
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He's the first nomu Deku had made (from a bird quirked civilian) which become a failure as it kept its bird form, and wasn't very useful to the league nad would have Random quirk outbursts making it dangerous to the league. But Deku being Deku kept the nomu as a pet and trained it to have less outbursts and help I'm in most of his missions.