You see, the thing is, I have liked both of them for quite a while. I just can't seem to choose between them. They're both so different, yet so alike. I can feel myself getting drawn towards both of them. But nothing will ever happen between the three of us. 

After all, I was just a servant and they were princes. I was snapped out of my slightly provocative thoughts when they noticed me stood there, just meters away. Loki coughed and nudged the other prince. "Hello, Y/N." Thor started "We were hoping to find you in here." Loki finished off. "We came to apologise for the mess that we've made and the inconvenience that we've caused."

I choked slightly on my words before responding with "It's okay. It is my job after all." Thor pushed in front of his brother "Yes, but this is a lot to clear up. Even if it is your job." He flashed a warm smile that sent chills down my spine. "I appreciate your concern." An awkward silence rested upon the room like a thick blanket. 

"How about we aid you? If that makes you forgive us anymore?" Loki propositioned. "I think that's an excellent idea." Thor agreed with his adoptive brother.

I nodded my head in agreement and got back to what I was previously doing. We worked in sync... well, Loki and I did. Due to Thor's big, strong hands, he was breaking the majority of things that he picked up. 

"S-s-s-sorry, Y/N." Thor stuttered. I gave him a small, sympathetic smile. Loki strutted over to Thor and waved his hands over the broken objects. Green tendrils of magic restored everything that was even partly fractured. The room began to mend itself. Ornaments and plates flying past my head so they could rest back in their original place. 

I was staring at Loki in awe of his actions. He noticed me and smirked in my directions. Yet again, a blush slid onto my cheeks. However, the feeling was not mutual with Thor. He stared at Loki with anger in his eyes. What looked like jealousy reflected there as well? But that couldn't be, why would Thor be jealous of Loki? 

I cast it to the back of my mind as I continued to admire Loki's immense power. The room was fully restored. Everything sat back in its place of origin. "Thank you, my lord." I said to Loki and did a small curtsy. "It was no effort, really." He quipped with a smile that could seduce the devil himself. I could see out of the corner of my eyes that Thor, yet again, was displaying signs of anger. He rolled his eyes at mine and Loki's interaction. 

  "We best be going, brother." Thor practically growled. "I'll see you at the banquet this evening?" "Yes, of course, sire." "I'll see you there mi-lady." He bowed as he strolled out of the room to prepare for the feast. I exhaled and sat in a chair. "What the fuck?" I laughed to myself. "How did that just happen?" I got up and went to the chambers of Lady Sif to see if she needed assistance with preparing for the banquet.

*** Time-Skip ***

Lords and Ladies alike were sat around a horseshoe table, laughing at a joke one of them had said. They were having a wondrous time, whereas I was stood at the side-lines with a jar of wine, ready to pour the crimson liquid into anybody's goblet that was raised in the air. 

A shining goblet rose softly in the air so, I made my way over to it. The one and only Loki was sat there. My heart rate quickened, pounding against the corset of my cheap dress. "A refill, please." He asked. I poured the wine into his goblet. I had to slightly lean down to reach it which meant that his lips were right next to my ear, and my tits were on full display to the infamous Thor who sat across from his sibling. 

MARVEL ➳ Imagines (on hiatus)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon