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365 Days || Bucky Barnes

A/N: This is really bad and a bit rushed but comment if you want a part two to this. If I do do a second part, I promise it will be better written and less rushed. I probably will be doing another part to this as I think the story isn't quite finished and I could develop the relationship more. The next part (or part after that if I write one) might contain some smut if you would want to read it.

 Requested: No 

Scenario: You were kidnapped by some supposed HYDRA agents a year ago. You were just starting to lose hope in escaping when a certain team of heroes come to your rescue.

Warnings: None


365. I dropped the knife and took a step back from the wall. 365 marks were etched into it's surface. Every mark represented one day. It was 365 days ago that HYDRA had pried me from the precious confines of my home. 

They claimed that I knew information of the whereabouts of the infamous 'Winter Soldier'. They told me that they wanted to use him, that he was one small piece in a huge puzzle. One part of a plan that would take man's one weakness away, freedom. 

Of course I knew nothing about him, and nobody had even realized that I was gone. I didn't know how they found out who I was and why they thought I knew 'The Winter Soldier'. The only encounter I had ever had with him was 3 years ago. And even then, I had only saw him from a distance. 

I saw him being chased by a person in a black suit that had silver etchings on it. But here I still was, in a dark and damp cell. The only light emanated from the minuscule window in the door. I sat down and lent against the boring grey wall and started to think that nobody was coming for me. 

Scorching hot tears slipped out of my eyes and began to drip down my face; all of my hope went with it. I had finally lost my battle with myself. The fact sunk into my head and the pace of my tears started to quicken. I realized I was going to be stuck in here for the rest of my days. My head dropped and it fell into my hands. 

Bang! Bang! Two thuds thundered through the room causing shock to course through me. My legs stiffened as I stood up. Bang! Bang! Two more thuds bounced through the room. I began to walk backwards until my back hit the far wall. 

The door burst open and two tall men walked through into my cell. One was clad in a black suit that looked like a cat, similar to the one I saw chasing The Winter Soldier, and the other in a blue costume. The one in the blue suit walked over to me "Y/N Y/L/N? Is that your name?" I nodded my head and tried to speak.

"How do you know my name? Who are you?" My voice came out a more of a croak after not drinking for at least 24 hours. The man in the black costume stepped forward "We'll explain once we get you back to Wakanda." 

His accent sounded a little strange. Maybe he was African? My head spun, who were these people? What did they want with me? What was this Wakanda that they spoke of? Was I finally getting rescued? My body went limp and dropped to the floor, strong arms cradled me and caught me before I could hit it. My vision darkened and I fell into a black abyss. 

*** Time-Skip, Back In Wakanda ***

I opened my eyes and light flooded my senses. I shifted in my bed. Wait, bed? How and why was  in a bed? My gaze drifted around the room,  taking in it's decor. There was a small bed, a wooden desk and chair, a couple of shelves and a dresser with a mirror hung above it. 

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