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You're sixteen years old, living in beautiful Los Angeles, California. You and your family have lived in Cali your entire life. Your new house in the hills is beautiful, you just moved in last year. The best part about your life is your mom. Not only is she a great role model for you, but she works in the music industry. You and your friends always going to concerts because of your mom, or you just get to go into work with her and meet a bunch of cool people. Your dad's a lawyer. But he's cool too!!! Haha. You moved to a new house to get closer to your mom's work. You had to transfer schools, but it wasn't the worst adjustment for you, you found a group you fit in with very quickly.

It's a pretty basic high school group. Three boys, three girls (including you). Two of the boys play soccer, Ben and Andrew. Kyle plays football. One girl in your group, Lauren, plays volleyball. Your absolute best (best.) friend Nicole is really smart, and she loves to draw and stuff.

And you? You're into music. Probably cause you always grew up hearing your mom's new project. Maybe your grandpa playing guitar contributed too. Either way, anytime there is music involved, you're in your happy place. You dance. You sing. You play guitar. You love all of it. 

And of course, after so much time together, feelings developed. Lauren and Kyle have been dating for a year. You and Ben started dating last month. So yeah, it's a pretty basic high school group.

But that's not the pOiNt of this story now iS iT?

Yeah, some backgrounds nice.

I suppose.

The important part of this story is what hasn't happened yet. Your mom hasn't introduced you to a group she was just assigned to manage. Not yet anyway.

She will though.

(if you didn't get that; the group's why don't we)


tehe i hope this is good lol. i'm gonna write it more like a story on wattpad as opposed to how i write my insta ff. just let me know what y'all want :) !

zach herron story lmaoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon