Chapter Eighteen

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She walked her right fingers up his arm. "With the Dark Arts," she said in a low voice, "It isn't about your will."

She stepped around and wrapped her arms around him. She took her right hand over his right arm and led him to raise his wand. She moved her immaculate lips behind his neck so he felt her breathing. Then, with warm breath she spoke in his ear.

"Neville, say it –" she said with a gentle rasp. "Speak Diffindo –"

As her lips nearly touched his ear she moved her left hand down his chest. Neville whispered, "Diffindo –"

The light went out and tore a gash against the dummy. Neville whimpered. Regina's mouth gently touched Neville's ear. "Say it for me again –" she said.

Neville's breathing was short as he felt her against him and smelt and felt her. "Diffindo –" he said with a clear voice and the dummy exploded.

Neville reeled back into Regina who held him up. She turned him around and gave him a hug, knowing that the Dark magic was still electric through his system. She pressed tightly as she hugged him.

"I knew you could do it." She reached over, kissed his cheek, hearing him make a whimper. Then, her fingers trailed down his arm as she slowly walked away. She turned her head in a smile at Neville and walked out of the room.

+ + + +

Regina came to really enjoy her time in the Intermediate and Beginner lessons of the Dark Arts. Her work continued to excel in everything. She did have to do some extra work for Arithmancy and Ancient Runes, but her new personality excelled to study and grow in learning. Because of this she found herself growing in knowledge and power in the Dark Arts.

By the end of the first month, Professor Snape had taught them the Imperio Curse which they got to practice on spiders and mice that he had caught. The intoxication she felt at using an unforgivable was incredible.

Regina continued to help Neville with his work in the Dark Arts. He still struggled whenever Professor Snape was present. But she would often remain after class to help him with the spell. They worked their way through the Minor Jinxes and other Minor dark magic.

Regina's place in the school found herself again in the Slug Club. Professor Slughorn was granted an exception to the Educational Decree forbidding large groups.

The Junior Death Eaters didn't have another meeting until the end of September. At that point, each of the students was given a challenge. Each Junior Death Eater was supposed to find one student in a different house to spy on. The next meeting would be after the Halloween Feast on October 31st or Samhein.

September led to October and the winds cooled down. Quidditch teams began to prepare for the matches and everyone got the impression that life was normal.

On Samhein, everyone saw a change. The Great Hall was not decorated in pumpkins and bats as if it were some Muggle festival. It was decorated in dark colors and very solemn. The food was simple and fresh. Following the meal, Professor Snape led the school out to a bonfire on the lawn where Hagrid's cabin once sat. The Junior Death Eaters dressed in their dark forbidding robes and masks came out and led the student body in a silent ritual commemorating the dead and the Dark powers

A few weeks later following Dark Arts, Neville asked, "Regina –"

She smiled gently.

"I was wondering if you would like to go to Hogsmeade with me this Saturday?"

She walked up to him and took his hand in hers. She looked up and smiled at the young man who was getting taller than even Draco in their age group. She held his hands as her gaze held his eyes.

"My family is clearly aligned with the Dark, Neville –" she said. "After my grandfather's death and with the things happening in politics, Lord Malfoy leaned very hard on my grandmother." She held his gaze as she continued. "If I were to be seen in public with you – " she left that hanging.

She kept her body close so that his own body still tingling with the Dark Magic she had helped him do would cloud his thoughts and force him to think about his desires rather than his thoughts. Already Regina was using the basic principles of Dark Magic against him. She was trying to encourage him to let his passions rule his decisions and will.

Neville looked like he was about to speak – to say something chivalrous about the power of love and the Light. But Regina reached her hands to his face, holding his gaze and letting him feel her as she moved close – oh so close that he could feel and smell her. A smile remained on her lip as she moved closer and closer and then her lips connected with his. It was slow and tender, but soon it was dark and passionate.

And just as Neville was about to lose himself, another tuft of blonde hair came in. "Neville –" it said with uncertainty, fear, and unsettledness. Her eyes narrowed on Regina. "You!"

"Hannah –" he said. "It isn't what you think."

Regina turned fast with her wand in her hand. "What are you doing, Abbott?" Regina asked with clipped words. She walked menacingly toward the girl. "You know the rules. You aren't supposed to be here."

Hannah's eyes narrowed at her. Neville stayed where he was, silent watching the two blondes with their wands pointing at each other.

Regina's wand pointed and suddenly she shouted, "Crucio –"

Hannah fell quickly to the ground with a scream. Regina held her there with the dark stream coming from her wand. After fifteen seconds, she released the spell. Hannah lay on the floor, unmoving. Regina turned to look at Neville. She slowly walked toward him, her wand away. Neville backed up, his eyes a mixture of fear and desire.

"Did you feel it?" She asked him

Neville's head shook back and forth, denying what was obviously true on his face. "Feel what, Regina?"

She reached out for his hand – her wand hand – her hand with her Dark Mark bracelet and touched his hand. She grasped him. Her eyes looked at him carefully.

"Do you feel it now?"

He trembled as she stepped into him once more. "You should feel what it is like to say that word."

"No, Regina – " he said.

"Yes, Neville –" she replied her lips moving closer to his until she was so very close to him. His body was on the precipice of desire, but fear and chivalry kept him strong. Then, she spun away from him, took her wand back into her hand and pointed her wand at Hannah, "Obliviate –"

Then, she turned to Neville, her wand pointing now at him, but her smile never changing.

"I'm not sure you are strong enough a man for me, Longbottom –" Then she put her wand back into robes, turned with a click and strolled outside of the room.

Neville gathered himself as fast as he could and slowly made his way to Hannah Abbot who lay on the floor, breathing quietly, but otherwise okay. He reached down to see if she was okay, and when he did he felt the sudden charge of the Crucio spell float to his fingertips with the same electricity he felt each time he touched Regina Fawley. He couldn't help the moan as it escaped his lips. At this, Hannah Abbot's eyes opened up and looked at him.

"Neville –" she said, weakly.

"Let's help you up," Neville said as he took his two strong arms around her and slowly helped her to her feet.

"What happened?" Hannah asked him.

"You fell –" he quickly lied. "and hit your head."

The electric charge he still felt from the Dark Magic running up his body seemed to encourage the lie on his lips. "Let me get my things and then I will walk you back to your Common Room."

Apparently, Regina had not hit her too hard because she seemed to come to pretty quick without much ill effect. But Neville's own thoughts shifted from desire to feel more of that powerful spell to guilt over what he had seen, felt, and the lie he told. When Neville had left the room, Regina reappeared with a sly smile at the changing Gryffindor.

Harry Potter and the Wondrous Blood RiTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang