— misty day's return!!!!!! i lov my favourite witch

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— misty day's return!!!!!! i lov my favourite witch

— Queenie not going to Hotel !!!! ( although it fucks a lot of things up )

lmao now onto the many things I didn't enjoy

— the many, many plot holes that I didn't get: why were those certain people at the outpost, what made Timothy & Emily's gene's superior, how could Timothy & Emily make a new antichrist when neither of them r spirits.... so many things were left unanswered

— it just felt so rushed overall ??? like Ryan Murphy was just like "fuck it, let's give the Cordelia lovers what they want"

— I loved Cordelia in Coven but this season,,, I just couldn't ??? I felt like every decision she made wasn't like her & she felt rly ooc for me

— The whole scene with the witches & michael felt so lacklustre & seemed rly rushed. I expected so much more tbh

— now— onto michael fucking langdon's half-assed ending

tbh the ending felt so ???? fan fic-ish ?? like it was too perfect

There was so much other things Mallory could have done other than running michael over. They could've tought him to be good

Un-friendly reminder: michael langdon died scared & alone, thinking no-one loved him with the mind of a 3 year old

Un-friendly reminder: michael langdon died scared & alone, thinking no-one loved him with the mind of a 3 year old

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also michaels "take me to the house. I can be with you forever" I can't-

tbh the ending would have hurt less if they killed post-apocalypse michael bcs atleast it would have been a fair fight

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tbh the ending would have hurt less if they killed post-apocalypse michael bcs atleast it would have been a fair fight. Pre-apocalypse Michael had the mentality of a 3 year old, didn't know much about his powers & why he kept killing people & just wanted to be loved

he said "he was making his ears burn" or whatever abt the priest, he was defending himself!!!!

fuck anyone who keeps using the phrase "he was the antichrist— he's pure evil" but they'll be the ones who defend T*te🤥

the tea is that post-apocalypse michael was too strong for Mallory to kill so she had to go back & kill him before he got as strong

—hmm & also I love how Constance can just leave her grandson out in the road to die but defended her son to the police so many times

& bcs everything that happened with michael was erased— Moira is still stuck in mh :(( & Madison is stuck in hell again ( also that means v*olate isn't endgame but who cares for that??? )

this ending meant that a lot of things just don't make sense

this ending meant that a lot of things just don't make sense

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2018 ⏰

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