2) A walk in the woods.

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"And into the forest I go to loose my mind and find my soul"

I wandered deep into the forest, only hearing the cracking twigs and leaves underfoot. The trees thick and old, roots were twisted. I kept each step carefully eyeballing for grandmas herbs. I took her list out and read it once again;Old rusty bayberry leaves, Frankincense,Gillyweed,mimbulus, and so on the paper was full of herb names.

The path at my feet started to fade away as it led me into the darkness of the forest. The sounds of rustling bushes and the howl of the wind started to increase as I kept each step forward.

I pulled my wand out of my black boot and gave it a swish to create a tiny ball of light. The tiny ball of light appeared at the tip of the wand and the path ahead of me started to reappear clearly. I moved my eyes back and forth scanning for the herbs which were on the list.

"Aha! Found them!" I whispered to my self. I flicked my wand twice in order to get the herbs towards me.
Suddenly the herbs started to float from the ground and it started to levitate towards me. I took out my pouch and collected all the herbs which was floating around me. "Finally!" I whispered to my self. Since that task is over I can have some alone time to myself.

I walked along the path ahead of me to the heart of the forest, knowing that it holds a great beauty within it. As I started to walk further I started to hear the gushing noice of the water and the rocks. And there I was, in the heart of the forest.

The white water which was in front of me cascaded down a series of rocks,flowing in its own way.As I drew closer the noise started to increase steadily. I kept each step gently and carefully trying not to slip down from the rocks since the waterfall was both beautiful and deadly. The rocks were slippery with water, one miss placed hand or foot and my lifeless body would be dragged down to the blue waters.

After keeping each step steadily, I sat on a rock carefully, still in awe of the nature around me. The dark shadows of the humongous trees and the bushes were the backbone of the forest, standing as protecters of the waterfall.

I darted my eyes across the path of rocks that was now behind me, seeking for a mammoth rock to lay on. I got up carefully once I saw what I wanted and walked towards the rock. I finally layed on the rock comfortably and relaxed my self.

The rain bore down mercilessly,black clouds sprawled across the sky showing a sign of bad luck. The air started to grow heavier. I looked out from the window, rain drops patting onto the glass heavily.

A lone tear traced down my cheek just like the rain drops sliding away from the glass. I blinked my eyes twice as the tear drops started to stream down. It was the worst day of my life. All my dreams started to shatter away and I knew that the hole in my heart which was created few seconds ago can never be filled.

My parents, I lost both my parents due to an accident. They were all that I had and I lost them forever. My grandmother had to take care of me from that day onwards and she was replaced as my guardian. My grandmother told me that my parents met with an accident, a car crash. But everything was just a mystery from that day onwards.

I suddenly opened my eyes,tear drops rolling down onto my cheeks. I wiped away the tears with both of my hands and tried to forget the painful memories. I took a deep breath and ended it with a sigh, and closed my eyes once again.

Suddenly all of the noises started to disappear in an instant. Everything turned pitch black. Some residual smoke started to hung in the pitch black background, shifting like ghosts.

A smoky figure started to reappear now, floating above the ground , his body covered in smoky ribbons. I felt uneasy and tried to fight for air as he choked me with one of his smoky humongous ribbons.

" I'm going to find you, you little brat. I will find you and kill you just like I destroyed them. The game starts now "

Suddenly I woke up gasping for air. I wiped my eyes trying to get rid of the blurry vision. The visions keep on repeating and I have no control over it. The same man, the same pitch black background for the past few years. "This is bad,really bad. I need to find out what's going on" I whispered to myself.

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