Chapter Four: A Trip Down Memory Lane for our Recently Deceased

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Henry trained the gun on the kid, Lee. "Explain yourself. Why were you in the vents and why do you look so similar to our friend?" 

"Move the gun away from me, then I'll tell you whatever you want," he shrugged. Henry glared at him and slammed the gun on the table. "Ask away."

'Why were you in the vents?" Henry repeated, glaring at Lee. 

"Because, before the animals all started going psycho, the vents were the safest spot for me. I'd come down for food and all my daily needs, then I'd climb back up into the vents safely," Lee shrugged, glancing back up to the ceiling. 

"Why didn't you go look for family?" Ana asked, "Or friends?"

"My two best friends are dead. And so is my family, everyone except my father and brother. And I am looking for him," Lee said, a trace of sadness in his voice. 

"Lee, what was your brothers name?" Jenna asked, thankfully forgetting about Casper. 

"Isaiah, why?" 

"He's dead . . . Not even an hour ago," Ana whispered. Lee's entire face dropped, he looked like he was going to cry.

"The screams I heard through the vents . . . They were his?" Mae nodded sadly and knelt down in front of him. "When we were younger, I developed cancer, I  had to go live with m grandparents. Our father was furious, so refused to give up Isaiah too . . . Isaiah was angry with me . . . He stopped talking to me, and  my grandparents, because they didn't fight to keep him. He blamed us for leaving him with our alcoholic, abusive father. It was a year later when our dad called and said Isaiah ran away. When they finally caught him, my dad shoved him to an adoption center, he was adopted before we could get to him," Lee whispered. 

"Isaiah never talked about you, or your dad . . ." Ana whispered sadly, Lee shrugged. 

"Why would he? He felt betrayed by us . . . No one talks about the ones that betray us." Lee  whispered sadly. "I just wish that he knew grandma and granpa tried thier hardest to bring him to us." Lee stared at the floor sadly. 

"You can stay with us if you'd like," Ana said, Henry glared at her. 

"Don't you think we're having enough problems with everything that's going on?" Henry scowled.

"This is Isaiah's brother we're talking about, we have to help him," she put her hand on Lee's shoulder, "You can stay with us." 


He woke up to a thunder clap and pouring rain. Annoyed and disgruntled, he crawled to the sturdiest tree. Chase tucked his foot under the first branch, testing to see if it could hold his weight. He wrapped his arms around a higher branch and pulled himself higher. If he could climb ten feet more, there was a thick branch that was covered for the most part. He pulled himself up another branch, but his foot slipped on the wet bark, causing him to fall backwards. His jeans ripped on the shin as a branch cut open his leg. 

Before Chase could check the damage, a twig snapped towards his left, then the right. Then he heard the moans of Vacants. As quickly and quietly as he could, he started back up the tree. The first zombie came into view, followed by ten others. He was ten feet from the ground when the first zombie started climbing the tree.

Chase's eyes widened in fear as the others started to climb. Crawling as far as he could on the branch, he dove off. His wrist snapped, causing him to cry out in pain, the zombies started dropping from the tree. Ignoring the pain, he got up and ran.

About twenty feet ahead, there was a clearing, he could see buildings. If he could outrun the zombies, there was a chance he could hide. His hope dwindled to nothing as the gap was engulfed with over thirty zombies. 

Chase veered off to the left, running further away from safety. 

This was the end. 

Tears started in his eyes, if he was going to die, he wasn't going to die because he was outrun by a bunch of mindless corpses. He was going to die fighting. 

Chase stopped abruptly, picking up the sharpest and thickest branch he could move with and turned to face the zombies. Both groups were fifteen feet away. He bent his knees slightly, holding the branch like a baseball bat. 

"Just like you used to play," he whispered to himself. Ten feet away. He swung the bat slightly, testing its weight. 

Five feet away. Once the first zombie came, he swung the branch at its head, sending it flying into a tree. Adrenaline kicked in, and he began swinging full force. Claws dug into his shoulder, sending blood spilling down his shirt but that only seemed to urge the zombies more. He stabbed a zombie in the neck next, kicking the body into three others, causing them to fall. 

He slammed his elbow into the ribs of another, knocking it off his feet. The bodies began piling at hid feet.

There was no movement in the bodies. Chase backed up, panting, when he slammed into a body. He left his branch in the eye of one of the zombies in the pile. Turning around quickly, his heart crawled into his throat. 

The zombie was a teenager, slightly older than him, tall, he was fresh, through bites, he could see tan skin. His brown hair clung to his face, and his eyes were cloudy, but he could still see the dark brown. A silver dog tag hung from his throat, only one word visible. Isaiah. 

Chase started backing up, only resulting in tripping over the other corpses. Isaiah advanced on him, slower than the others, a limp in his left leg. He yanked the branch out of the corpses eye and pointed it at Isaiah, "Please, Isaiah, if you're still in there," Isaiah stopped abruptly, "C'mon Isaiah, please, I know you're somewhere in there, I don't want to kill you." Isaiah started towards him again, reaching for him. Chase took off running, knowing he could outrun one zombie. 

It took about fifteen minutes of running around trees, zig zagging and odd patterns until he finally lost Isaiah. He slid against the base of the tree, covering his face with his hands, trying to catch his breath. Tears started down his cheeks, if Isaiah was dead . . .  What if everyone else in his group are too?

Chase stood up, wiping his tears and sweat off on his grimy shirt. He gripped the branch that saved his life tightly, not bothering to wipe the zombie blood off of the end. He started walking back to where the opening was, keeping a look out for other wandering zombies. 

It started raining harder than before, the drops pricking the back of his neck. He started into town, he couldn't see any zombies. He ran into an old opera house in the center of town. 

Cobwebs hung low from the moldy ceiling, All of the brown metal chairs were flipped and the wooden benches were broken, most of the windows were smashed, glass shards covered the ground. Rain water poured in. Chase checked all the back rooms, no one was here. 

Thunder clapped in the distance, the sound echoing through the building. Chase pushed open the wooden door underneath the stage and crawled into the small room, it was a supply closet  for tools. He curled into a ball on the ground and closed his eyes, tears found their way through. 

So I finished this update as well :3 and can I just say that I am actually really proud of itXD I feel like I really like Chase's POV (I never really did) But I think I really like this chapter *Creeper moon face* Although it was very hard to figure out how exactly Lee and Isaiah were related XD Anyway, my first day of freshman year starts in 5 days *le sobs* so wish me luck and pray I don't die. Kill anyone* 

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