Chapter Two: A Mad Woman, a Mad Man, We're All Mad Here.

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"Listen, I don't remember what happened, or how I even got here. Thank you for taking me out, but I need to find my family . . . My friends . . . They'll be worried," Chase said, Marie's eyes widened, tears forming in them. 

"You can't leave! I am just a poor old woman! I'm all alone! I have no one!" she screeched, the cloth bag shifted, a moan coming from it. Chase tried to stand back up, but Marie pushed him  back down, pain striking his skull. 

"Marie, please, I have a family," Chase cried, panic rising in his chest, "You can't keep me here. I am grateful, truly grateful for you taking me out of that place, but I need to leave, I cannot stay. What if you come with me?" He regretted the words as soon as they came out. 

"I will never be a part of any group!" she shouted, spit landed on his face. He resisted the urge to wipe it off. "They did this! The last group I was in!" Marie crawled over to the bag that held her husband. A gun rested in the belt of her long skirt. She held the bag close to her chest. "They left my husband and I because we were too old to be of any assistance, so they left us!" Chase carefully and slowly crawled over to her, smll shards of glass cut into his hands and knees. 

"My group isn't like that though, we all accept each other. There's no issue with age or-" 

"How can I trust you!? I was told the same thing for my last group, the day I was told to leave, they accepted some beat up teenager. For several days after my husband and I left, we remained by camp, hiding away from the others, Then one night . . . A horde came through, my husband and I hid in the trees and when the others looked up at us with their bloodstained faces, we laughed. It was a secure camp . . . Until that kid came along." 

"Wait . . . What was the teenagers name?" Chase asked, curiousity rising. 

"Isaiah, Isaiah Newmen, I believe. Why?" she snapped, "My husband blamed him for the longest time, said it was his fault we had to leave. Said if that kid was somehow still alive, we would find him and he would kill him. Since my husband has passed, that is exactly what I will do." 

"You can't!" Chase shouted, Marie grinned. 

"He's alive, isn't he? And you know where he is, don't you?" She purred, fast as lightning, Chase grabbed the gun from her belt and stood up dizzily. He pointed it at her and rested his finger on the trigger. 

"You're goig to let me go, and you're going to stay away. You're not going to touch Isaiah," Chase said, his hands were shaking. The woman threw her head back and laughed a horrible laugh. 

"You think you can stop me?" Suddenly, she dropped her husband, and grabbed Chase's ankles, yanking him to the ground. The bag shifted again, "Even if I can't find your little friend, I'll have you," she hissed, Chase struggled to get away, surprisingly, she had a tight grip. "Maybe I am better off alone." She grabbed his throat, her nails cutting into his skin. It became hard to breathe. She pulled herself on top of him, tightening her grip on his neck. He could feel his skin bruising, his lungs screamed for air. 

Chase reached for the gun that had fallen when he fell. Three inches too short. He slammed his knee into her back, causing her to fall off him. Chase flipped onto his stomach and grabbed the gun, gasping for breath. He aimed the gun at her head, she began laughing again. 

"There's no bullets!" She cried, laughing hysterically. Chase pushed on the trigger in panic, there wasn't a gunshot. Just the sound of a click, no bullets were pushed out. The bag groaned. Chase grabbed a large shard of glass and dove for the bag, Marie screamed and pounced on him as he sawed at the rope that sealed the bag shut. "What are you doing!?" she shouted, tearing at his hair and face. When the rope fell, Chase pushed Marie off of him and crawled away. A Vacant crawled from the bag, snapping his teeth hungrily. It grabbed Marie and sank its teeth into her shoulder. She screamed in pain and cursed at Chase. No matter how many times she shoved the Vacant away, it kept coming back. Chase pushed the door open and ran through, slamming it behind him. 

As fast as his sore legs would take him, he ran. It was mid-afternoon, and he was in the middle of the woods. The sun shone through the trees. Marie's screams echoed through the woods, guilt weighed heavy on Chase, even if she was a freak. Tears started down his cheeks, tears of relief, guilt, pain, fear, her did not know. The trees were spinning around him, he gasped for breath, but it wouldn't come. Suddenly his vision went black and he hit the ground.


"The animals are becoming Vacants too?" she asked in horror, "We can barely fight off the people, but now we have to worry about stray dogs?" 

"We should've known this would happen . . ." Henry whispered. "We need to get rid of the girl, dead or not, she's to far gone for help."

"No!" the pregnant woman cried, "You can't do this, please, she's my baby, you can't!"

"Please, can't you try something?" the other woman asked, her eyes not leaving the child on the ground.

"I don't want to argue, we just lost someone, we know how you feel, okay?" Henry said, his voice sad. "I'm sorry, but she's too far gone." Henry put his gun to the little girl's head, and before the women could protest, he pulled the trigger. The women screamed, Mae closed her eyes.

"You could have done something!" The pregnant woman sobbed, sliding to the ground.

"Mae," Henry croaked, "Would you please take these women and talk to them, I'll clean this up." Mae nodded and led the women to the corner of the room. Ana jumped at the sound of screeching metal again, 

"What the-" Casper was cut off by the groaning of metal, "What's going on?" Suddenly, the middle section of the ceiling collapsed, seven obese raccoon's hit the ground. Bites covered their backs, and bloodied flesh coated their mouths.

"Oh god," Ana backed up, plugging her nose. Sledge and Henry began shooting at the animals as they started at the others, but no bullet fazed them. One went after Ana, clacking its overgrown teeth together, preparing to bite her. Casper kicked it away.

"Get the guns, Ana" Casper shouted, kicking the raccoon again. The impact snapped ribs, but the raccoon kept coming back. Ana grabbed their guns and began shooting at the creature. Casper kicked it's head, snapping the neck, finally, it was silenced.  The metal groaned again and a raccoon landed on top of Casper. Ana screamed as he struggled with the animal. The creature screeched and clawed Casper's face, it bit his neck and shoulder. Ana screamed again, Casper flung the raccoon at the wall, snapping its neck. 

The room was silent, the dead raccoon's lay on the ground, everyone starred at Casper. 

Realization hit, and Ana was struck with horror. Casper was bitten. 

I'm sorry guys, I enjoy this all too much. That is probably the only way I can explain why I do this, you know? Whoops. This chapter wasn't supposed to end like that XD *sigh* But It deleted when I was in the middle of writing it, so I had to start over and this *gestures* happened. *Shrugged* hopefully you didn't like CasperXD Anyway, good bye XE

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