Chapter 17 - Power of the Blood Born Blade

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(art above does not belong to me!!)

Chapter 17 - Power of the Blood Born Blade

Our blades clash viciously against each other as we swing them for the sake of our lives. I duck and weave past No.53's silver katana with haste. I flip from side to side, using my auto-mail arm as an efficient boost. The female charges and swings her blade horizontally. She aims for my previously injured abdomen, focusing on weakening me before taking me down. You could say she is playing with her food while she does these idiotic, postponing tactics. But, once in the situation, it seems logical enough. If you are able to weaken your operant enough using their want to live, it gives the attacker some pleasure, but also a much-needed advantage if facing a larger opponent.

Like many times before, and still to my dislike, the Music-box murderer swiftly moves to the shadows. She fades away out of site. It's irritating when trying to fight an enemy when you can't even see them, let alone touch them.

A few more moments of standing in the unknown allows me to hear small footsteps. I turn in the direction of the sound and look into the blackness. From within the void, a racing blur appears. 53 swings again, but with a metal fist this time. Going for my jawline, she collides her armoured knuckles with the bones beneath my skin. The force sends me across the dark room and into a shadowed corner. My head hits the wall with mighty force. I fall to the floor in a heap of body and clothing, as I clutch my now dislocated jaw.

'Shit.' I think, clicking the bones back into place with muffles gasps of pain. 'This fight must be ended fast; I don't know how long it will take until I fall. I may be a high rated alchemist, but I don't tend to do well when fighting an enemy I can't see most of the time.'

I bring my hands to either side of me and push off the ground. An idea has come to mind, but I need materials to proceed with it. I stand on my feet to look out to the dimly lit room. In the middle stands no.53, waiting patiently for me to come and face her again.

"Come on, little one~" She teases with a sickly sweet voice. "I only want to have some fun. Come out of the shadows and play with me."

'So she can't see me. That'll give me more time.'

I peer through the darkness to look for items I can use. I look from one end to the other but find nothing but an empty void. I look back to the female that is still skulking around, trying to find me. I notice immediately, swinging gently by her hip is a small pouch. It appears to be an old fashioned gunpowder pouch. It's perfect for what I need to do.

After gaining some strength back from being hit against a wall, I push off of the hard surface behind me and make a run for it - towards the towering armour. Before she has time to react, I have already retrieved the container from around her and have dashed away again into the shadows.

"Hey, That's not fair!" She wines. "You can't steal my tricks. The shadows are my domain."

From my shadowed place, I retrieve a white glove from inside my pocket. I silently pour out the content of 53's pouch onto my auto-mail hand. Next, with the use of the ignition glove - which I am happy I neglected to return -, I click my fingers to create a small spark. With something as little as that action, the gunpowder in my hand erupts into a blaze of light.

The woman in armour turns to the source of light with a small cackle. "There you are~."

I race around the room at top speed as she chases after me. I pass lantern after lantern, igniting them all when I pour a small dose of the gunpowder into them. The lights turn from an ominous blue to a vibrant yellow-orange. Finally, I turn to my pursuing opponent and throw the rest of the handful onto her. She cowers away as the flames lick her metal-covered body. Some of the fire enters the armour's chest plate, while the rest ignite the small amounts of fabric she wears around her body.

With the given time I have from this act, I rip off the burning fabric from around my body - once known as my cloak. It falls to the ground by my feet as I ready my stance. I clap my hands together and place them over the blood oozing from my abdomen. With a spark and a few electric shocks passing through my body, the crimson liquid solidifies into a sharp blade.

My struggling opponent regains her footing over time and looks to me. She can no longer hide in the shadows, not after I lit up the room in the way I have done. All she can do now is stand and face me like she should have in the first place.

"You little pest!" She yells with disgust. "Now look what you have done. You will pay for this!"

I watch her charge at me with her katana raised. I wait until she is right in front of my eyes before swinging my bloody blade across her chest. The blade slides cleanly through the metal shell like a knife through butter. Steam rises from the gash in spirals and lines. The top half of no.53 comes sliding off from its previous position, clattering to the ground without another sound. My blade had run her right through the blood seal, cutting her ties with this world altogether.

"I have no shame in what I have done," I mutter to the new silence. "You have hurt me, and you had intended to hurt my friends. I cannot let people like you walk this earth any longer. That is my purpose. That is my task. That is why I am how I am today."

I walk through the lit up room, not taking a second glance over my shoulder to the female. I let the moulded blood sword in my hand melt to the floor slowly. It's useless to me right now. If I come across another foe who wishes to fight, I can always make another. My blood is worth nothing compared to taking down those who have wronged this world.


Elleah is a good person, I sweat. Even though her care factor is nothing when killing someone like that... She's good.

Please, don't forget to vote, comment and follow me for more action-packed chapters. So, until next time my storybook friends, bye~

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