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I'm fine

I'm fine


Tord screamed, feeling pain jab around his entire body, he looked down at his right arm only to see it torn to pieces, he then realized he went through the windshield into an area with bark, sliding down the little hill with a few rocks scraping at it as well,

 He looked over at Tom who just so happened to be in the hospital right next to him "Tord..? Are you okay..?" 

He shook his head "Det gjør vondt så mye Tommy" "I know honey..." Tom got up and laid next to Tord, gently pulling the male into his arms "Er du tillatt her?" 

He nodded, Tord smiled and snuggled into his tall husband, he sighed and relaxed as he managed to soothe his vocal cords, feeling but a soft coat of blood on them, he felt it rise into his mouth which didn't taste good, he opened his mouth to say something but ended up turning away and throwing up the blood off the side of the bed.

"Tord? Do you want me to get a nurse?" Tom frantically asked, Tord shook his head and motioned for the other male to get a bag, Tom nodded as he ran to get a bag, probably not the best idea but he would do anything for Tord...Literally,

Coming back the male held a bag made for vomiting in front of the pained other as he threw up more blood, he then let out a pained shriek as he felt his lungs begin to swell, Tom panicked, calling a nurse frantically as the Norwegian screamed more.

Later, Tord had come out of surgery and had been given to Tom as protection, the smaller male then said something that terrified Tom "Sometimes the best feelings are actually the worst, But when you know that, The light gets a bit closer, And you know that, You know you're getting that tiny bit closer to life, You know you're not going to die today, Or tomorrow, Even if it disappears, You know its there, Waiting..."

"Tord..What do you mean..?"

"I nearly died Tommy..."

Tom felt his voids fill with liquid, he held onto the Norski for dear life hoping he would never die "it's okay to cry, Tommy..You can't keep it in forever" Tord spoke softly while the other began to sob through his goggles, Tom nuzzled Tord's cheek to make himself feel better, Tord smiled for once, which made Tom smile

"I love you"

"I love you too"

Two children sat softly in a plateau of flowers, picking them and throwing them into the water of the lake nearby, one of the children stood up and walked to the lake, sitting in front of it, they then began to lower themselves softly into the water head first, the other child watched in horror and ran to the drowning child and attempted to save them.

"When will you learn..."

The child spoke one last time before dying.

Det gjør vondt så mye Tommy  = It hurts so much Tommy

Er du tillatt her? = Are you allowed here? 

The Boy Who Sang Stars (BEING REWRITTEN AND NO LONGER UPDATED ON THIS BOOK)Where stories live. Discover now