"So, are you gonna tell me what happened or am I gonna guess?" Yoongi finally asked breaking the silence.

"Nothing happened," she replied shortly.

"You saw him with another girl didn't you, why are still with him anyway?"

She simply just shrugged wanting to move on from the topic. Yoongi quickly caught on to her silent signals to change the subject and so he did.

"Does your feet hurt? There's a pair of shoes in the back you can wear," he said after noticing she was in heels.

"How do you have a pair of shoes that fit me? Aw, I knew you were secretly in love me. You went and bought shoes for me, didn't you yoongles. Aww, you didn't have to," she said squeezing his cheek lightly before reaching back to grab the shoes.

"No dumbass, you left them in my studio the other day," he responded.

"Just say you're in love and go."

"Don't make me stop, drop, and roll you out this car," he answered.

"Don't make me stop, drop, and roll you out this car," she repeated mockingly.

Yoongi laughed slightly and rolled his eyes, "Have you eaten yet?"

"No, I'm starving, let's go eat at umm there," she said pointing at an upcoming restaurant.

Yoongi turned into the restaurant and parked before the two walked towards the front entrance only after Yoongi put on his mask and cap, of course.

They were quickly seated at a small table in the corner and they sat across from each other with Yoongi's back facing the rest of the restaurant. After a couple of minutes of deciding, the two ordered their food and their food quickly arrived soon after.

"Oh my god, this looks so orgasmic," she said admiring the food.

Yoongi watched her for a moment before taking his spoon and sticking it into the food ruining her moment.

"You dick," she said kicking him softly under the table.

"What did I do?" he asked before eating a spoonful.

"Ruin my moment with the food," she answered before beginning to eat.

Yoongi shrugged and continued eating while glancing at Yunjin every once and a while. They eventually started finishing up their food before beginning to clean up their dishes a bit.

"You're paying. Thanks, Yoongs, I owe you one," she quickly said as they finished.

Yoongi laughed in disbelief and quickly paid for their meals before catching up to her.

"You little brat," he said ask they walked out.

"What can I say? A princess gets what she wants," she said jokingly as she flipped her hair.

"The most you are is a peasant," he responded as he unlocked the car.

"Wow, fine. You're not getting any of my shitty mini cakes anymore," she said getting in.

"I didn't want them anyway."

"No, wait no. Please take them, I made too much," she responded begging a little.

He laughed and started driving, "Wow, who knew you could actually be cute."

"Wow, who knew you could actually have so much hair left."

"Stop attacking me and my hair!" he said touching his hair a little in slight fear.

Yunjin grinned before beginning to laugh. Yoongi glanced at her and smiled also as he drove back to her place. As he pulled up in front of her place, she unbuckled herself and turned to him.

"I'm gonna get the cupcakes, wait here," she said before getting out and quickly walking to her house.

Yoongi put the car in park and leaned back in his seat as he watched her disappear into her house. She soon reappeared in his sight with a box. Once she got to his car, she opened the car door once again and got in.

"Okay, I put 10 cupcakes in here. And no, they are not all for you fatass, they are for the 6 wonderful looking men who are unfortunately living with you," she said looking at him.

"There's nothing unfortunate about it, they are blessed to have the privilege to live with me," he replied as she got out the car once again.

"Whatever makes you happy honey buns," she responded causing him to roll his eyes. "And also um, thank you for picking me up."

He nodded in response and she stepped back waving him goodbye before he drove off.


a/n - um yikes, sorry for such a crap update

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