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Jewel's POV

I was sitting in the streets, outside the gates of Arandell castle, my home. The gates that were open to everyone except me, the disgraceful princess. The outcast princess.

Everyone in our family had powers. My mom was Queen Elsa Frost, and my dad was the Jack Frost. My older brother Edward had power over ice and frost like our parents, my little sister Jenny had power over wind, my little brother Jack Jr could fly, and my youngest sister Snowflake could animate objects. I was the oddball. Powerless.

I saw two people watching me across the street. One of them was a girl who had long bleached white hair and red eyes, the other was a boy with short black hair and amber eyes. I would guess that they were twins, both my age. Strangely enough, they were looking at me and no one else.

I jolted awake. I was in my room at the castle. I wasn't kicked out because I was a disgrace. No one knew I didn't have powers. And those creepy twins didn't exist.

"Jewel? Are you awake yet?" Jenny's voice called. I kicked off the covers.

"What is it Jenny?" I asked.

"Jack Jr and Snowflake won't stop bugging me! Can you please please please watch them?" Jenny begged. I smiled slightly.

"Can you pay up?" I asked. I heard a sigh on the other side of the door.

"Yeah... one favor. But please hurry! I think they're coming!" I stood up and stretched, then pulled on my favorite clothes, a white shirt and deep blue skirt, and put on my locket. It was made of ice, and was a heart. My dad had made it for me on my eighteenth birthday out of his everlasting ice. Then I did a mirror check. Everything looked in order. My white hair was smooth and silky, my pale blue eyes didn't have a hint of redness, and my clothes were all in order. I opened the door and joined Jenny.

"Took you long enough." She grumbled. Her platinum blond hair was slightly messy instead of in it's usual pony tail, and she had Jack Jr tugging on one arm and Snowflake sitting on one foot. Those two were a handful sometimes.

"I can take it from here." I told her. I picked up Snowflake and Jenny shook off Jack Jr, then she took off down the hall.

"What are we doing now?" Jack Jr asked. I thought for a moment.

"Do you guys want to play in the winter room?" I asked. They both grinned.

"Let's go! I want to show you a new trick I've been working on!" He exclaimed.

"I wanna play with Hop!" Snowflake giggled. Hop was a rabbit that Edward had made out of snow for Snowflake. She had gotten so excited that she brought it to life. Now she played with it every day. We went down the halls and to the winter room, a big room with snow everywhere, not to mention big pine trees. Snowflake instantly began calling for Hop, and Jack Jr flew up into the air.

"Watch this Jewel!" He called, then began flipping through the air. I clapped when he was finished. I had to admit, he was getting better. Snowflake was chasing Hop around the room. Then the door opened behind us. I turned to see Edward walk in. With his platinum hair and blue eyes, he looked more like mom than dad. I looked the most like dad. Snowflake looked like my Aunt Anna, and Jack Jr looked like a mini replica of dad, other than the green eyes. It looked very strange on him.

"What's up Edward?" I asked. He wasn't usually around the castle. He had a girlfriend. Edward strolled in, closing the door behind him.

"I came to take care of the kids. I figured you would want some me time in the town, since Family Day starts at sundown." Edward said, tussling Snowflakes hair. She giggled and tried to grab his hand.

"I almost forgot! Man, a whole day of staying as a family. I better get going!" I said, pretending to be in a rush. I left the room and grabbed my pale blue cloak, then left the castle. I glanced around as I passed the castle gates. It was a nice day. Perfect for a walk. I walked towards the docks with nothing in particular in mind to do.

I happened to glance towards an alley, and I saw something that made me freeze. It was the boy from my dream. The one with black hair and amber eyes. And he was looking right back at me.

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