Ally Cat

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Y/n pov

Okay. Here we go..

I was going around the human city on all fours. Walking in alleys trying to hide and all. I tried studying the cats that lived in this place. They seemed shocked when I spoke cat, and told them the wolfs taught me many languages that were not human.

(Time skip -yes, already)

I was 20 and had lived in the alleys for 2 years. I was being normal, meowing at my neighbor, and howling with the dogs in the area. I heard someone then, a human Male from his tone, and a human female.

The girl screamed as I watched in horror as the man took out I gun and shot at her, hardly missing her. I took a stupid chance. 'Never help humans!' That's what they say! I had too.. I am still one of them.

I ran out and knocked over the man making him miss his next shot at the girl. She yelled in shock and I felt like she knew I couldn't win against this tall, strong, male attacker. I'm a twig compared to him! "CALL FOR HELP!!" I screamed at her as pain hit me and a boom rang out. I spat the blood that filled my mouth into his eyes, and growled. I cursed him out in the cat language, violent meows that were too realistic for most humans to repeat. The girl ran off, and that's when I relized..

She never called for help. She never intended to after I stopped her attacker. She only hovered since I asked for help... I hate humans.. I hate myself

Once the dark thought settled in, I froze, and was easily tossed to the concrete. My whole body was engulfed in pain, but it started to slowly numb as my eyes started driffyinh close. Was that someones shadow just outside the ally? Was that a voice? I had one last chance. I used it.

"HELP! PLEASE!" Shoot. That was not English I yelled. It was cat. "HE-" My second English attempt failed as he kicked me again. I saw him move the hammer off the gun back.

"Games over kitten~" the man said.. I braced myself for bullet to hit me. It never- BOOM

I thought it would never hit me...

Sans pov

So, I was locked outside thanks to my ideot brother... I hate him so much! Anyway i heard a scream, a cry for help, and a gun shot. I saw a lady running away from an ally with a grin, she yelled back "sucker!" Away who ever was there. I waited a second.. I heard a THUD and stood up, walking closer to the ally. My shadow loomed next to it, making me look larger.

I heard a man talking... "game over kitten~" did that lady sell her friend out to a guy? Not my problem!

Well.. not at first...

The gun shot rang out, and a panicked shocked dying gasp followed. I ran into the ally seeing the young girl covered in blood. My eyes went dark. I did what felt normal, and beat the guy to about the same as the girl before I scooped up the girl, and teleported to a hospital.

She curled up in my arms.. like a cat? Like naturally, like this phyco girl I found in a ally is a freaking cat.... uh.. let's get the nurse to check her in.

Y/n pov

I woke up in a strange place. Panic washed over me when I realized it was a human building, and I was not in my normal clothing. I heard talking, and tried to focus on it to calm down. There was a female voice and a Male. I could tell the female was human.. but not the male....

"What do you mean she has no record?"

"I mean she has no record! Nothing matches her. Do you know her name?"

"Oh yeah, I got her name! She told it to me when she was passed out bleeding to death, like any normal human!" His sarcasm was another level from anything I have seen, and I lived with ally cats the last two years!

"Ugh, stupid monster, this is important! How old do you think she is? I would guess 23.." I honestly felt insulted.

"Nah. Like 19.. maybe 20." I like this Male character!

I heard walking, and the two walked in. The girl was a Burnet nurse, with brown eyes that showed extreme hate for her job. The male- WAS A SKELETON? his black coat gleamed almost as bright as his single gold tooth, and his eyes were red. He looked tired, red bags were under his sockets. He also had tennis shoes that I would never wear, and black shorts with yellow stripes down the sides.

"What are you..." I said in wolven. The nurse looked at me, then grinned.

"She must have brain damage. Poor thing. Well, I want to go home, so have fun skeleton." that was rude..

(Time skip to a part were I have ideas)

I refused to talk to the skeleton until I was let go. They surprisingly didn't charge him anything since i'm no one. He just got told to keep an eye on me. We walked by an ally and I stopped. "Bey.." i said to him.

"What? You can't do that. Your legally mine. And are you trying to ditch me at an ally like the one you almost died in?" I heard nothing of his complaint but legally mine.

"I'm not a pet." I hissed at him, and his perpetual grin widened.

"Your just like a cat, you know kid?"

"I'm not a kid!" I yelled at him. Hes very.. triggering.

"Hmm.. you don't have a name huh?" He looked bored of me already. Fun.

"I do, it's-"

"Ally Cat."

"Ex-freaking-scuse me?" I crossed my arms.

"Found you in a ally, want to go in a ally, act like a cat, talk like a cat. There you go sweet heart." He had a smirk on his face.

I take back what I said about liking him in the hospital. "IM NOT A CAT! I HAVE ONLY LIVED WITH CATS FOR 2 YEARS! I WAS WITH WOLFS FOR 8!!" I may be over reacting, but i'm a wolf! Not a cat!

"Aww, your so cute Ally Cat." I wanted to punch him. "Anyway.." he scratched his skull, a bead of sweat ran down it. "Boss is probably getting mad. We need to go."

Boss, huh? "Who is that?" I ask.

He grabbed my arm "you'll see Kitten." I suddenly felt dizzy, and had to cling into him for dear life! What?

We stood in front of a house now. The skeleton hesitated to enter, and only walked up to the door before he looked at me, a few feet back still nauseous. "Um.. i'm Sans by the way. Sans the skeleton."

"Nah, your Fell." I grinned starting to get over the dizzy feeling.

"What?" He looked confused

"If i'm Ally Cat, your Fell. Why? Since you fell into my life like an idiot!" He scowled at me.

"Get in the freaking house" he ordered opening the door. Oh, fun, a angry skeleton is forcing me in his home. Ugh, this is going to be a long day.

(Please tell me of spelling errors. I'm pretty tired so I cut it short. Hope you like it so far!)

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