10|| Sounds 'bout boring

Start from the beginning

Somebody entered my eyeshot and I lifted my blurred eyes to Brett. His eyes were wide, startled and guilty. My mind quickly cleared up at his sight. He'd pushedme. He caused me pain on purpose. How could he? Brett'd never done something like this before and I for sure never considered it as a possibility. Everyone has their limits right? And we were friends once... But again he just proved me wrong.

"You-you've broken my arm?" I cried with a weak shaking voice, clenching it to my chest. He seemed horrorized at the sight of it as well but I couldn't believe him anymore. I didn't know him anymore.

"Lys, I didn't mean to... I just..." he started but I cut him off:

"S-stay away from m-me."

But he didn't listen, as always. Too caught out in his world and took another step.


"No!" I crawled back, terrorized, and shouted ignoring the hurted flashing his eyes: "Mum! Mummy, please!"

I kept screaming and crying frantically 'till the adults came and they took me to the hospital. In the end they put a cast on me, letting me chose beween the black, the blue and the red. As is that would cheer me.

My best friend had broke my arm.

That was the last straw. That day was the end of something I had been avoiding to end. I'd definitely lost the Brett I loved. Whoever he was becoming was someone I want nothing with. He was mocking, and sarcastic, and easily provoked.

That night I cried 'til there were no tears left and the next day was the start of the real torment.

|| Present ||

As soon as the leaf was handed to me a wave of disappointment. A mere C. My chest clenched. I hadn't have a mark this low since I was fifteen. I couldn't afford it if I was aiming for a scholarship.

"Well." attracked attention the boy by my side in a tone way more cheerful than mine. "Isn't it just glorious? Grandious, epic- What's with your sour face?" Brett frowned and angled his body towards mine making a weird sensation tugged my stomach. I mumbled incomprehensibly, leaning 'til my forhead pressed against the cold surface of the desk. "What?"

"We got a C." I sighed sticking out my lower lip.

"Yeah." I sensed his smirk and when I sneaked a pick of him through my hair realized I was right. "Quite good, uh?"

"Not really?" How could he say that? It was a barely passable mark, but not when I was aiming for perfection. Ignoring his furrowed brows I sat back again and inspected the project in my hands. All the notes in read marker said the basically the same. "We don't have enough solidity. It is painfully obvious which part is whose."

"That's bad?" he asked tilting his head in confusion.

"Well, as a group, it shouldn't be noticeable the change of person." I explained lowly, typing  the table with the tip of my pencil, unease as Mrs Goldin talked about next project for wednesday.

I can't afford another C. No. I could vanish this from mattering in the finale mark with the next ones being perfect. So, I took in a deep breath, encouraging myself and for the first time in the whole hour, willed myself to turn to face Brett.

After yesterday outburst, my confidence hadn't been as strong as back there. I been on the edge, indeed, waiting for him to get some kind of revenge on my rudeness and for having ditched him. But, much to my surprise, he hadn't. Far from reassuring me, it only tensed me further. What was he aiming to? It's not like after everything I would fell for some nice moments. Maybe yesterday I let my guard down but it didn't mean I trust him. At all.

When my eyes met his electric blue ones for the first time, his brows perked upwards. "I..." my voice came our hoarser than I intended and I had to clear my throat, pushing down the nerves in my stomach. "Since this thing," I gestured to the slate board where next task was written in big white letters. "Is due for Wednesday, we should, um, do it together this time." My cheeks flamed and I fixed the gaze on the desk again, not wanting to face his cockiness.

"Together?" he repeated leaning backwards on the chair. "What happends with 'you'll do yours I'll do mine', uh?" he asked in a mocking way and I pursed my lips, glancing at our poor excuse of a project.

"It clearly didn't work."

Brett clicked his tongue.

"Well, Giggles, I don't wanna be the I-told-you-so-kinda guy but..."

"Then don't say it." I whined, taking quick notes on my notebook as he laughed. When the teacher stopped writing so did I and mumbled lowly, ignoring the stiffness of my muscles. "We have to do it today or tomorrow. I rather do it today."

He smirked and my heart halted, cold sweat down my spine.

"Alright. Your place or mine?"

My eyes widened but chose to ignore the double meaning of his words. There was no way he was coming my house, and I certaintly won't go his unless I had the sudden urge to die or suffer an inevitable humiliation. I shook my head.

"We'll go to the library." I stated as firmly as I could, lessening the chance of him changing my mind.

His frown deepened.

"The library?" he complained like that I just offered the worst place possible. I bit down my lip and nodded absently writing down Mrs Goldin's new notes. Brett huffed. "That's just lame. We won't be able to talk there."

"We don't need to talk. Just work."

"Sounds 'bout boring."

"Something you'll like to share, Mr Ryder?" I froze at the chilling voice of Mrs Goldin, and rose my gaze to find her form before our desks, arms folded and feet tapping impatiently.

Unaffected, Brett smirked and to my dismay decided to tease. "Just deciding where out next date would be."

The loud gasp of incredulity and surprise that escaped me was heard all along the class. My face heated furiously and I lowered my face, using my hair as a blind to protect myself against the snickers.

"Very funny, Mr Ryder, but that matter can wait a few more minutes and be discused outside my class, got it?"

"Yes, Mrs." he laughed and the teacher rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to the explanation she was giving.

The bell rang and everyone began moving as I shrank further in the seat, whishing to just disappear. "Why would you say that?"

"Come on Lys," he got up with a lopsided smile, painfully handsome and making me flush harder when he wincked. "See you after classes then."


"The library?"

"Oh, yeah... Yes." I stuttered to his further amusement, getting up as well and clenching my books tightly against my chest. "See you then."

God help me.


Hey! I know this chapter was kinda short and that it's been forever since I last update, but I'm about to finish my story Drag Me Down and I'm investing a lot of time and effort there :) Also I started a new story, so make sure to check them on my profile! I would really appreciate if you do.

What are your guys thoughts on this chapter? I love to read them!

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