Part 2: Chapter 1

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(7 years later)
"Hey Jeff !"
"Oh hey Nickoli, what's up? "
"Did you hear about the trip that the classes are taking ?"
"No , I actually wasn't in at the time when Mr. Cheznika announced it."
"You won't believe it! Where going to Howls Forest !"
"Wait a second ? Isn't that where the killings happened?"
"Yea! How insane is that!!"
(Chuckling) that's pretty insane, I question how many drinks did Mr. cheznika had"
"Well Jeff , all I know is that i hope that the girls aren't wearing any skirts"
"Wait!?!, why??"
" you didn't hear about the girl who got tortured with a drill, and getting actually raped?"
"No I actually didn't ... Wanna fill me in?"
(Bell rings)
"Gotta go before Mrs. Vanlinski marks me for tardy Jeff "
" yea, same for me with Ms. Ros"
The two boys went to class then and we're both excited, well at least Nickoli seemed pumped up.
( 15 minutes passed)
"Okay class it's 10:20am, the plan today is to give you guys a pop quiz , you should finish before we...
"Ms. Ros , what is this field trip about Howls Forest? Nickoli told me that people got killed in that forest in 1997"
(Ms. Ros taking a deep breath)
" Howls forest is just an old myth , it's not real... Please just focus on your quiz till its time to leave"
"But you didn't give us the quiz"
"Oops , my bad ... I thought I did . There you go , now focus on your quiz"
(10 minuets past)
(Mr. Cheznika walks in the class room to whisper in Ms. Ros ear)
"Okay class , pencils down and head to the buses"
The class got up and slowly made their way to the buses, the halls where packed but at least no fights broke down . Jeff decided to wait outside of Ms. Ros classroom cause he noticed that she wasn't right. As he was waiting patiently , he heard the drawers opening and closing suddenly through extreme force .
" where is it?!?!? Where the hell did I put it???"
Jeff leaned over to take a peak and what he saw had him gaining several more questions.
" Hey Jeff ! What are you doing buddy?"
"Nothing Nickoli"
"Well then let's go, the buses aren't gonna wait forever"
The two boys then sprinted to the bus and took a seat right away in the back.
"Hey guys, where have you been? Mr. Cheznika was looking for you"
"Oh hey Penny, Jeff was just in the days again"
"Jeff really? Come on, Ms. Ros is way too old for you"
"She was just acting way to strange ever since this Howls Forest been brought up"
" well if you say so...anyway there's been a rumor going around school"
"What penny ? That me and Jeff are twin brothers? "
"Well shit Nickoli , you don't have to be a dick about it"
"Well Penny , me and Jeff are not from the same mothers"
"Well okay whatever you say ( ass) "
"Hey Penny , aren't you and Doug Brown dating?"
"What's it matter to you nick ?"
" How does Joey feel about that? "
"Actually nick ... Two condoms and two holes , and so there!
(Buses slowly leaving )
It's 11:12 am and the buses are just taking off to reach their destination , the sun was beating red and the trees colorful as could be . There was just a slight breeze but still it didn't really help cool down the heat.
"Omg!!! It's really hot today , how can Ms. Ros be wearing long sleeves?!?!"
" calm yourself Nick"
"Jeff! I prefer Nickoli , not nick. Same goes to you Penny Choweigan"
(Buses forcefully stop)
(Students questioning what's going on )
"Is everyone okay"
" yea everyone seems to be okay Mr. Cheznika"
(Walkie talkie)
"Hey valiniski, Ros is everybody okay?"
"Cheznika yea , some are just scared"
" what's happening up there?"
" cops are slowly guiding traffic , whatever happened it doesn't look good."
(Buses start to slowly move forward)
As the buses moved forward , Ms. Ros saw an officer talking to the a person who seem to be the driver of that blue smashed up Bugatti.
"Officer it happened so fast I really don't know!?!"
" okay sir just relax, try your best to tell me what happened"
" well I was just driving home from work , and all of sudden this girl randomly pops out of the woods and ... It was too late for me to stop."
"Did she say anything before you hit her?"
"Yea actually she did , She was yelling help me , they're gonna kill me "
" Do you have any idea who they are?"
" No officer, but I did noticed a mark on her right wrist , it seemed to be an H with a circle around it.
" okay thank you sir , here just take a seat in the police car and will just wait for the rest to get here."
Ms. Ros couldn't take her eyes off the scene, the car being smashed into a tree pinning the girl and having a glass from the car fly into her one eye. But that's not what really caught Ms. Ros attention , it was the mark on the girls right wrist , it seemed to be described as the same one that Ms. Ros has , but why....

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