Fourteen- Guilt and Gifts

Start from the beginning

"Om bahiya, is it really my fault that Rudra..." She could not complete her sentence and covered her mouth to stifle a sob.

"Saumya, it is not your fault. Rudra is not a child and he is responsible for his own stupid decisions and actions. I know you don't want to stay here but you are doing this for the family. As grateful I am to you for honoring Dadi's wishes I think it is unfair that you have to suffer like this." Om took her hand in his. "I am glad you are at least talking about this. It is not good to bottle things up and no one knows how bad it does get if you try to suppress your thoughts. They eat you up from the inside and that's no way to live."

"I should go Bade Baal Wale Bhaiya. They'll be bringing Bhabhi up soon. Thank you for talking to me." Saumya's voice still shook and she gave him a watery smile before she left the room.

Om shook his head and sighed. He had to talk to Rudra and soon. How could he, Om, have been so absorbed and consumed by his own troubles that he had not been able to be there for his younger brother?

Om's thoughts were driven out of his mind a second time when he heard the unmistakable sound of anklets and then the door opening.

Gauri stood there, a ghunghaat over her head and a glass of badam milk in her hands.

He shut the door behind her and gently took the milk from her and kept in on the side table.

She had not moved from her spot and stood there stiffly when he removed the veil to reveal her beautiful face made even more attractive by the blush on her cheeks.

"Hello Mrs. Gauri Omkara Singh Oberoi" he kept his tone light and friendly.

She looked up at him and gave him a small smile "H..i"

He had not seen her this nervous and found her stutter adorable. But he wanted her to speak with more confidence and openness with him and so he had to be careful not to laugh at her.

"Do you want to go change? Your outfit and jewelry probably weigh more than you and it must be uncomfortable to have them on for so long. Your clothes are in the cupboard." He pointed to the one he was mentioning "Take as long as you need. I have a wedding gift for you and I promise it is a good one."

He saw her stiffen with fear and knew what was going in her mind. He hated that she had lived a life that made her mind jump to such a conclusion but he knew that reacting with hurt or anger was not what she needed. Shaking his head, he smiled at her "Remember what I promised you. We are taking this relationship slowly. I am not going to do anything that will make you uncomfortable or anything that you are not ready for. Go get changed and then I'll give you your wedding gift. And no, you don't have to get me anything, you have already given me the biggest gift - kept my family from falling apart."

Gauri smiled and took her clothes from the cupboard. She went into the bathroom to change and replied that he should drink the milk before it became too warm for his liking.

That made Om smile. Gauri was slowly letting him in, trusting him. It made him feel more hopeful than he had in a long while.


"Here. This is for you. Sit down before you open it." Omkara handed her the sealed envelope. "It's actually two surprises but I am sure you will like one far more than the other."

He saw the hesitation in her eyes before she ripped into the envelope to pull out the bundle of papers and yet another sealed envelope. Her hands shook and the contents fell onto the bed.

"Do you want me to tell you what it is? You can read it for yourself, it might take you some time to do it but-" Om stopped talking when she offered the papers to him.

"Please. You read it and tell me. I am sorry to ruin your surprise but I am getting too curious and dar sa lag raha hai" she shrugged "Tell me"

"Alright. The first one is a legal document that forbids Kali Thakur and his brothers from not only contacting you but they are also forbidden by law from being near 100 kms of you permanently. Additionally, I had them jailed for kidnapping, extortion and other crimes. Once the villagers realised that there were people who Kali could not buy or bully, they testified against him. You do not have to fear for your life, your Maa's or that of your friends. I gave Richa my number and she will get in touch with me when she comes to Mumbai. "

He saw tears fill Gauri's eyes and her body relax.

"Thank you. So much." the warmth in her voice made him smile back at her.

"And finally, as for the contents of this envelope, I hope you won't be mad at me. I asked your Ma about your life and she told me you had an elder sister and you were separated from each other. I had a private investigator find her. It has her information and a photo of her."

He did not have to encourage Gauri to open the envelope. She ripped into it like a child opens a packet of chips or sweets.

"If you want to get back in touch with her, which I know you would want, I'll invite her." Om offered.

There was a sharp knock at the door.

"Om, open the door." Anika bhabhi sounded frantic, half-frenzied. "Om. Door. Now."

Before Om could move, Gauri was out of the bed and ran like a chased deer across the room. To Om's astonishment, she pulled open the door and flung herself into Anika's waiting arms.

"Fhat the Wuck?"

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