Small and Helpless

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I entered the den Sapphire lay in... with her pups. My eyes widened in shock when I saw all eight of them. I stiffled a laugh, no wonder why she'd been so cranky. As I came closer she growled and snapped her teeth dangerously close to me. I quiclky retreated to the other side of the den to avoid her wrath. Judging by their scent there were five males and then three females. They were all blonde furred pups. 'I'm sure their coats will settle a different collor, but I wonder if any will turn out looking like me' I thought. I slipped out the den to go hunt for Sapphire. I had no intention on hurting her pups, so maybe a gift would make her happy. 

"Where've you been Jinx? Hey where is Sapphire" Berry and Ryder asked me. I grinned and looked back towards the den.

"She had our pups" I said proudly.

"What? Why didn't you tell me? I'm going to make sure she is okay" Berry said sprinting down to the den. 

"Eight pups, I don't know how they'll survive" I muttered. The average was four to six, eight was quite a few althout it was possible to have over ten. (True fact) Ryder and I set out hunting. While I brought back something for Berry and Sapphire Ryder was dragging a artic fox and hare for the pack, the hare for Venom. Sapphire growled a warning for me to stay away from her pups when she saw me. I whined softly to let her know I understood, and lay down the squirrel infront of her.

"Thank you" she whispered and licked my muzzle. Six of our pups where busy suckling and the other two being kept warm by Berry. I lay down just watching her and the pups. They were our first and my heart was swelling with pride. The ones feeding lay in a pile, a few of them on top of the others. When a few of them fell asleep they were switched with the pups Berry kept warm. I glance at Berry with pleading eyes. I wanted to be the one keeping them warm and safe. They were my pups, too, after all. She sent me a look that said "she won't like it". Sapphire, busy resting to notice our silent conversation didn't notice when I switched places with Berry. I wrapped my body around the two of the small pups. They rolled on their backs sleeping. I just couldn't believe they were mine. 'I promise to protect you and your mother'' I silently vowed. Every now and they they whined or whimpered.

When I woke up the pups I'd curled around had moved towards their mother, that or Sapphire moved them towards her. I stretched, shook out my fur, and squeezed through the exit. 'Great now what should I do' I wondered. I sniffed the air for scents of prey, nothing. I trotted through the high snow towards the hills where the blueberries and strawberries grew. If I were lucky there'd be some berries growing which would attract prey. I waded through the icy water thinking about the pups. My fur was drenched with cold water, but I still continued. Sure enough a very fat snow shoe hare stood digging through the snow, the sweet scent of blue and straw berries reached my nose. I crept forward undetected, the wind blowing through my fur. Suddenly the hare jumped away. I ran after it down hill, snapping my jaws viciously as my paws hit the icy ground. The scent of the border was so close. My teeth were inches away from its cotton like tail when I hit an icy patch. I tumbled down the hard cold ice until I landed with a thud. The hare had ran into rogue territory. I sighed and trotted back towards the den. My ears twitched at the sound of Ryder howling. Willing my paws to move faster towards the den, and force myself to swim through the frigid water. A fish-like, tree-like scent reached my nose. A thick, dense fur, very long bushy tail, ribs showing as a sign of malnutrition,  and about four feet tall figure snarled and continued trying to enter the den Sapphire and the pups were in. Ryder snarled viciously and continue trying to come between the snow leopard and the den. I crept up slowly, Ryder noticed but not the leopard. I lunged, snarling, and the leopard whipped around snarling as well. I ducked to avoid its fangs and sank my own into the jugular. Thrashing around I could only hold on for so long, but Ryder was quick to help and even Sapphire. Whipping it's long, bushy tail and continuing to thrash around it ran towards the Rogue Wolf border. 

"Well it's their problem now" Ryder growled spitting out some of the leopards fur. 

"Nice job Ryder" I said, he bowed his head in respect.

"I'm going to go hunt, you take care of her" Ryder said. 

"Are you okay?" I asked sniffing Sapphires side to make sure she hadn't been injured. 

"I'm fine" she growled softly in my ear. I nudged her side towards the den. Once again I left in search of food for her. Again I spotted the fat little hare hopping near the border. I took my chances and caught it. With no sign of the rogue wolves I raced back to Sapphire and shared the hare. If Sapphire didn't feed well, or if she died it could mean the end of her pups. Usualy half the pups of a litter don't make it, but I'm determined to keep them alive.

The Alpha's Rogue Mate Book 2 (Completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin