The Rogue's

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I crept through the bushes into the wide, rocky clearing. Tall, snowy mountains towered high into the sky. I fell over as something knocked me over. 

"Who are you and state your reason for being here. Speak know or forever hold still" a large wolf growled. 

"I am Brownie, exiled wolf from Ice Lake pack. I am here to make an alliance" I whimpered. The wolf backed away.

"You dare come try an bargain with me" the wolf growled.

"Not bargain, make an alliance. Sapphire is now alpha female of the Ice Lake Pack. The Moonshire wolves do not aprove of this" I told him.

"I see, go on" the wolf muttered.

"They've agreed to ally with your pack to go to war against the Ice Lake wolves" I said smirking.

"Is that so" said another wolf, a she wolf with black fur. 

"Vixen what are you doing here? I can handle this" said the other male wolf.

"I heard the conversation and I was curious" Vixen growled low.

"What will my pack earn in return?" asked Vixen's mate, Viper.

"The Ice Lake wolves current territory right where the elk herd rests. There's a river there that you could fish from, and a large patch of herbs" I offered.

"Sounds like a deal" Viper and Vixen agreed together.

"Exelent, you may bring your pack to the Moonshires summer territory now. When winter and fall comes your temporary territory will be ready for you" I said. Viper howled loudly gathering all the other rogues in his pack. I raced on towards the Moonshires summer territory. The first day we'll cut through Willow Packs territory, secretly of course. By the time we reach the territory my second plan will have already been finished. With the Chocolate and Lightning, the alpha's of Moonshire pack, out of the way I'll be made alpha queen! 


Cool air from the lake was blowing in making it colder than normal. I suppose it was because it was getting ready to rain. I was beginning to worry about Sapphires pups. According to Berry she wasn't even half way through her pregnancy. The sky darkened and lightning flashed loudly. I starred up at the sky watching the clouds darken even more. For a second I thought I saw something familiar. Two dark eyes glaring at me from the clouds. The cloud seem to take on the form of a wolf. The cloudy wolf looked like it was snarling, it's mouth open and flashing with lightning. I jumped slightly startled. I don't believe in omens usualy, but this had to be some sort of message. I heard something crackle loudly, a tree a few miles away had caught flame. The tree I sat by swayed violetly in the wind.

"Jinx!" I heard someone yell. I could barely hear the voice for it was very windy and thunder boomed loudly.

"Do you think we should take shelter?!" Ryder asked.

"I don't know!" I responded. Lightning flashed again and hit the ground near us making the ground shake.

"Yes!" I yelped. Fightning against the wind everyone hurried into the other den dug into the side of the mountain. It was dark, but my night-vision kicked in so I could see just fine. 

"You okay?" I asked Sapphire. This den was different than the earthy, herb smelling den of the medicine wolf den. Because the females that had pups stayed in here many seasons ago it gave the den a sweet milky scent. I layed down beside Sapphire, her eyes closed meaning she was sleeping. I licked her paw smoothing out her fur. It was still short and patchy, but it was growing out. 


My ears twitched, there was a storm up ahead.

"We face all sorts of weather. We are not stopping" Viper told me. We continued running towards the mountains and stormy weather. I'd never been through the pathway through the mountains her. It was a long tunnel through the rocky mountain. The only light was here and on the end which could barely be seen. We raced through, and I was glad the rain wasn't hitting my back. I took in a big gulp of air when we left the tunnel, it reeked of Willow Grass wolves. Rain pelted my back, and some hail; it felt like needles all over! I directed the rogues to follow quickly. 

The Moonshires scent overwhelmed me. Wolves sat in the center of camp, cowering under trees to keep dry. 

"There you are" my mate said happily. His red fur soaking wet. He stood as tall as Viper.

"Welcome friends" my mate, Flame, greeted Viper and his pack. Viper bowed his head.

"Until we have our temporary territory and then the Ice Lake's Territory I submit. Only now, later it will be different" Viper said bowing his head.

"Thank you. Come now, we have plenty of caribou to share" Flame said. Near a tree lay three caribou carcasses. The rogue wolves greedily dug into one until their bellies were full. 

"You took the others out?" I asked.

"Chocolate and Lightning are no more. My older brother though didn't agree. I defeated both my brothers, though I spared their lives" Flame growled the last part. I glanced over at the two wolves cowering a distance away.

"Well done, your amazing" I told him, I cuddled up to him.

"Course I am" he growled low. Everything was set. We were ready to go to war! Jinx is going to regret choosing that flea-bag, Sapphire, over me. 



The Alpha's Rogue Mate Book 2 (Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz