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Natalia and Audrey are going to kill me, not even that. They'll murder me, revive me, and murder me again! A groan forced its way as I fell onto my bed. Some would call this a fairy tale, I call it unnecessary stress.

Glancing over to my desk the pile of unfinished work glared back at me. Get it together Alissa. The feeling of newfound strength, be it from anxiety or genuine teenage youth I wasn't going to lose out. By this time I forgot I had been texting Jake and had already told Dev I had to go get some work done. It didn't set in how buddy buddy I had gotten with him, and hopefully, it never would. Who would want to know their biggest nightmare is also their friend? No one.


I groaned wondering who was trying to take me out of the zone right now, literally, everyone knew that I was doing homework- wait..."Jake?!" I didn't even remember how stupid of me! My phone was turned off and the ringtone was on vibrate so it could only mean he was calling...this was even worse than I thought! Taking a deep breath I scoured in the sea of sheets and blankets on my bed till I found the still ringing phone. I picked it up without hesitation.


Wait...why did I pick up I didn't even know what to say. Sorry, I ditched you at the pier and didn't respond to your texts? Who says that?! Now I just sat in silence like an idiot hoping he would have mercy on my poor soul that's already going through the wringer.

"Hey...uh, I suppose you aren't one to fall off the face of the earth and only pick up when I call. Unless this is you playing hard to get?"

Hard to what now? I sat there thinking this was another one of his unfunny jokes not sure if I should address it or leave it be. Playing with the hem of my shorts I thought of something to say.

"Well...I forgot to tell you I was doing homework and my phone was on silent and why am I even explaining this to you?"

I paused myself trying to understand why I even tried to get him to understand, I barely know him like that. So what if he thinks I'm avoiding him? I should actually be avoiding him anyways yet here I am sitting here on the phone with him.

"I guess you can't stop the goodie two shoes from doing what she does best."

He chuckled over the phone making me a little irritated. I didn't just have money to throw around to get my grades up so actually doing the work was the next best thing.

"Is that all?"

I asked him through gritted teeth, my patience growing thin.

"Whoa calm down sweetheart, I'll get off the call but I have a quick question."

I breathed one more sigh putting the phone away from my face then bringing it back.

"What do you think of the others...Devon and Myles?"

Where was this all coming from and how do I even answer this, they just realized I exist like yesterday and so I didn't have much of an opinion on both of them. Even then my previous opinions before knowing them aren't that great.

"Uh...well Dev's nice I guess? And as for Myles, I don't really know much about him. Not much to say honestly, but why do you ask?"

The line remained silent, I'm not sure what he expected from that response but I feel like he didn't enjoy it. Which part though? I literally don't know much about them besides them ruining people's lives and parading their wealth around the whole school.

"Hm... I'd rather not hear what you have to say about me till I change that perception of yours, anyway goodnight."

He hung up...

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