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Before I knew it I was riding in Jake's car while Devon and the others were in Devon's car. It would be an insult to call them anything less than rich. They always had fancy cars and brand names which I don't think high school seniors need. I didn't know where they wanted to go eat but I know Kaden was a fan of in-n-out.

"Are you sure you're ok with just in-n-out?" He smiled "I don't want to intrude on what you guys had planned so I'm fine with whatever." I nodded.

The car fell into another awkward silence "So, are you this shy around every guy?" What..."I'm not shy...for the most part, I think I'm pretty open when people aren't always in my space, speaking of which get your hand off my lap!" I pushed away from the hand resting on my thigh. He chuckled "I guess my charms aren't working today."

Of course not!

My gaze shifted from the cocky teenager to the evening bustle of downtown, some were going home to spend time with their families, some were going out to party the two-day vacation away, others were aimlessly walking. My chest rose and fell with a deep sigh.

"What's wrong." Jake interrupted my mental monologue with another one of his small talks, I would take it over the awkward silence any day. "Oh, you know, nothing as usual. Just staring." he chuckled once more. "Do you usually stare at the crowds like a creep?" A blush crept up onto my face "'s not like that! I was just looking!" My voice rose and wavered as I tried to defend myself over a trivial question.

"Calm down sweetcheeks, you're not in any're probably never in any trouble hm?" Again with the questions, and the weird nicknames... "Don't doubt me! I'm not always a goodie two shoes...and...sweetcheeks?" I shook my head trying to dismiss the name. "Let's just go to the burger joint..." I landed back on my seat with a huff, blowing the stray piece of hair from my total breakdown out of my face. In the corner of my eye, I saw Jake with his usual smirk once again. He won this time but he won't win next time.


We pulled up to in-n-out and the twins made a beeline for the door, they were beaming while trying to explain their experience to the lady at the counter. "The guy stepped on something and the car went roar!" Kenya spoke. "And then, and then we whooshed down the road! We were going super fast!" Jamaar continued. Kaden was still thanking them for driving us here.

"Kaden can you go help the twins, they're talking the ladies ear off and holding up the line." He nodded "Sure. Thanks for driving us." He said before he left. I folded my arms my smile quickly faded. "What is all this about?" They looked at each other confused. "All what?" Devon asked. "Look, why did you offer to take us out, the twins wouldn't refuse and neither would Kaden." I felt like this was all part of a plan that I didn't know about.

"Well how else could we take you out. And besides your family is fun." Jake shrugged it off. "So it was part of a plan?" They all nodded, I was baffled by their honesty but still I had one more question. "Why me? You have Daysha, your have the whole cheerleading team— heck you have the whole school...but why me?" The question lingered in the air, like they didn't know the answer but also did. "If I had the answer to that I would bottle it and sell." Devon chuckled. I was for lack of better word...perplexed. "So even you don't know why?" They were trying to give an answer I know that for sure. "Look, we like you because you are you, I don't see anyone else being Alissa Vanderbilt now. We might not exactly know why but something about you catches our eyes I guess..." Myles trailed off after trying to clear the situation. If it could even be called that. 

"Fine, fine. Do whatever you want. Just don't get me in trouble alright." They cocked a brow at me seemingly confused "Trouble? Why would you get trouble?" Myles questioned, Devon looked the most worried by this comment. "Who's bothering you?" Jake's expression dropped. He knew who it was, "I swear to God..." He muttered, the other two picked it up and turned to face him. I averted any eye contact with him.

"Who is it?" Myles had a harsher tone from his usual shy voice which honestly made me flinch for a second. I shouldn't have spoken now Daysha was truly going to kill me.

"It's no on-"

"Daysha." Jake's voice was monotone and intimidating to say the least. I looked for any excuse to get out of their scrutiny.

"I uh...the twins, and our ord-"

"Look if Daysha tries anything funny tell us okay?"

My shoulders slumped. They didn't understand. "Don't you get it? If I tell you and you do something she's gonna know and it'll be worse for me! If your trying to make highschool a living hell for me then do it your own damn selves!" I huffed, my head was pounding and I was already receiving weird stares. "Let's just order..." Walking up to the line I asked for a burger and drink to go while paying for the twins and Kaden's food. Sitting with them was alright but if those buffoons were there I wanted no part of it.

"I'll be outside.." I carried the bag with my food in it leaving Kaden with the baby bag and made my way outside. The boys just stared in a look I could only call sadness but I couldn't really read their facial expressions anyway.

In the parking lot I leaned against Jake's expensive car hoping no one thought I was some criminal trying to steal his car. Unwrapping my burger I took a bite noticing these group of what I would call hoodlums, but I don't know what their business is so I won't assume.

They were gathered around laughing and having a smoke till one of them looked at me and the laughter died down to whispers. Have they never seen a girl eat a burger on an expensive car? Well I would assume not since they kept staring creepily. My appetite gone at that point I wrapped the burger if I went inside they're still gonna know which car I was they want the car or me? I had no time to answer that thought before three of them approached me. "What's a girl like you doing alone on a night like this?"

Oh no

"I'm eating..." I mentally face palmed myself.

"Well why not come back to my crib and eat all you want?" The guy in front licked his lips indicating that this was time for me to dip. " thanks, I'll just go back in now.." I took a stepped to my right that was quickly intercepted by one of them."Where are you going?" His finger traced along my jaw which made me shiver in disgust.

Taking another step to my left another guy blocked my path caging me in. "I...I'll call the cops if you do anything weird." They only smirked getting closer I fumbled to pull out my phone of my hoodie pocket. "I- I'm serious, please leave me alone." Fumbling on all my words I sounded cowardly to say the least.

"And why would w-" A fist was sent flying across his cheek, the guy fell to the ground. "She said leave her alone..." Myles had been shaking off his wrist from the earlier impact.

"Who the fuck are you?" One of the guys spat before getting another blow but this time from Devon. "None of your goddamn business that's who." Jake glared at the last guy who was sent running along with his friends.

A breathe that I didn't know I was holding had been let out. "Holy cow..." They turned their attention to me. "Why were you out here like that, look I know we wanted to give you some space but it's late out. You could at least asked for my keys." Jake grabbed me by my shoulders. As if I hadn't been nagged enough today.

"I know.." I pulled away forcefully and went in to go meet my siblings who were mostly done with their food. "Alright, ready for the Pier?" I put on a forced smile leading the twins out and into Devon's car. Before we could leave I pulled the Devon, Myles and Jake aside. "Don't mention anything to my siblings alright." I spoke through clenched teeth making my point firmer. The three just seemed to bid with pitied looks in their eyes. We're they actually worried for me? I turned away not interested in the pity party.

"Also...after today don't get involved with me or my life." I entered Jake's slamming the door beside me.

Thank you for waiting so long. Since the spread of covid-19 I've been in self quarantine and am going to start updating to keep my sanity. Stay safe!

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