Chapter 1

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Their apartment and bathroom

Their apartment and bathroom

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Airi POV Me and Tray met in our junior year of high school and we've been inseparable ever since we literally started off as close friends it all started with that bump in the mall

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Airi POV
Me and Tray met in our junior year of high school and we've been inseparable ever since we literally started off as close friends it all started with that bump in the mall. Can't believe I'm in love with my high school sweetheart he still gives me butterflies.
I'm now in college majoring in business and marketing. My school is Pace University, Tray also goes here and his major is health administration he really loves helping others and is always there when you need him, guess that's why I've fell in love with him. We also have an apartment together, We've been officially boyfriend and girlfriend since homecoming in our junior year when he asked me to be his girlfriend before asking me to the dance of course I said yes.

A few weeks later (Thursday)
Lately I haven't been feeling to good maybe it was that spicy tuna wrap I ate yesterday and I have food poisoning I'm gonna tough it out if it doesn't get better then I'll go to the doctor Monday morning .

Tray POV
Lately I've noticed Airi hasn't been feeling to good maybe she's pregnant and doesn't know it we did have unprotected sex 3 weeks ago maybe she forgot that part and that explains a lot. I heard her say she's going to the doctor on Monday if she doesn't get better by then, hopefully she is I would be so happy with a little tray or a mini airi. I love this girl fingers crossed 🤞🏽.

Monday Morning
Airi POV
It's 8am and I've still been feeling sick 🤢 I'm bout to go take a shower and get dressed. After 20 mins past I was all done and ready so I woke up Tray and told him to get ready so he can take me to the doctor at 11am.

Airi- Tray wake up


Airi- I still feel sick and I need you to take me to my appointment

Tray- (jumps up quickly) Ok baby let me go take a shower and get dress I'll come get you when I'm done

Airi- Ok I'm going to the kitchen to make some breakfast you want anything

Tray- Anything you make will be fine ok

Airi- Ok bae

While Tray was in the shower I made some French toast and turkey bacon for us both I made our plates and put Tray's in the microwave and went to the table to eat mines. After I ate I cleaned up the kitchen then went in the living room to watch tv until Tray was done eating and everything.

Skips to The Doctors

Tray POV
We just pulled into the parking lot of the doctor's office. I park my car then get out to help Airi and we walk inside, we go to the front desk to check in the nurse said go wait in the waiting room for the doctor to call you. We was waiting for 30 minutes Airi ended up falling asleep on my shoulder I gently tapped her because the doctor just called her name. The doctor name is Mrs. James.

Mrs.James- So Airi What brings you in today

Airi- Well I've been experiencing a lot of nausea and pain

Mrs.James- Ok I'm gonna run some tests to see what's going on with you

Airi- Ok

Mrs.James- Lay back please

(Tray pulls the doctor aside and say I think she's pregnant can you do a blood test to make sure, she said ok)

Mrs.James- starts doing a lot of test then looks at Airi

Airi- Doctor what's wrong with me

Mrs.James- Airi it seems like your boyfriend here was right

Airi- Right about what

Mrs.James- That you're pregnant and it looks like your almost 2 months, that explains the nausea and pain you've been having

Airi- What 😳

Mrs.James- lets do an ultrasound to confirm ok
(Puts the gel on her stomach and rubs on it they look at the monitor and low and behold there's a little ball sac)
Airi- Wow I can't believe this

The doctor then gives Airi a towel to wipe her stomach off and leaves the room.

Airi POV
Airi- Tray come here

Tray-walks over to Airi, yes baby

Airi-How did you know I was pregnant

Tray- You don't remember a few weeks ago we had unprotected sex

Airi- Oh wow I totally forgot about that night

Tray- Yeah well I didn't, I'm so excited I'm gonna be a father, Thank you baby and gives her a kiss

Airi- Awe I'm gonna be a mother, I can't wait and gives him another kiss

After the doctors we went to get something to eat, what you wanna eat bae I said to Tray. Maybe we can have some Chic-fil-A, Ok let's go. 25mins on the highway we made it and placed our orders, I was craving a lot of things so I got my stuff and Tray ordered his, after that I payed for our food. We decided to eat inside to have time to talk about when we gonna tell our parents and friends. Hopefully they will be happy for us and they support us while we still in school.

Tray POV
After eating we decided we was going to wait another month to tell everyone one the great news. On the way home we stopped at Walmart to get some food for dinner and other snacks. Airi was exhausted by the time we got home so I brought her inside and laid her on our bed then went back outside to get the groceries. I put them up then went and made us some fried chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy corn on the cob and for dessert we had watermelon. We're not much of a sweets person, I brought our plates to the room and we ate and watched tv.

Once dinner was done I ran Airi a nice bubble bath and went to clean up the kitchen after I was done with that I go in the bathroom to check on Airi and she is sleep in the tub. I gently wake her up and get a towel to wrap her body then carry her to the bed and put her clothes on. I pulled the covers over her kissed her forehead and took a shower myself, 15mins later I was out like a light with her.

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