Kate Suzanne Thunder

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Kate Suzanne Thunder is a 30-year-old admin assistant who enjoys theatre, relaxing and extreme ironing. She is friendly and inspiring, but can also be very shy and a bit stubborn.

She is English who defines herself as straight. She has a degree in business studies.

Physically, Kate is in pretty good shape. She is average-height with pale skin, red hair and blue eyes.

She grew up in an upper class neighbourhood. After her mother died when she was young, she was raised by her father.

Nicknames: Suzi

Star sign: Virgo
Nationality: English
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Social class: Upper class
Religion: None
Sexuality: Straight
Education: Bachelor's degree
Course: Business studies
Political views: Left
Relationship status: Single
Career path: Business
Physical characteristics
Height: average
Shape: average
Build: average
Hair colour: red (naturally brown)
Hairstyle: long, wavy hair curled into riglets at the bottom only
Eyes: green
Face shape: round
Glasses/lenses: contact lenses

Moral: very
Stable: sometimes
Loyal: Very
Generous: very
Extrovert: sometimes
Compassionate: very
IQ: 120
Hobbies: theatre, relaxing, extreme ironing, charity work, watching television, badminton, attending gallaries
Diet eats meat
Favourite foods: oranges, carbonara

F/C: Sierra Boggess

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