Kristal Fayers

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Age: 22
Height: 4'7
Profession: Photographer
Appearance: Kristal has long black wavy hair with green eyes. She is about 5'4 in height and has a slim waist. Kristal carries her camera with her at all times and wears a black jacket.
Home: An apartment in Gotham city.
Family: She has no family and lives on her own.
Personality: Kristal is a happy-go-lucky kind of girl. She always knows how to brighten someone's day. Generally an introvert, it's hard for her to describe her feeling to people. She is self conscious and has high moral standards for herself.
Likes: Photography, Animals, Spending Time with Friends
Dislikes: Being a control-freak (sometimes), Crime, and losing her loved ones.
Powers: None.

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