"Hayley? How come you changed your mind?"

"About what?" Hayley asked, twirling his hair in her fingers.

"About us. You said you didnt want a boyfriend"

"Yeah, I didn't. I tried very hard to not like you, you have no idea, but you had to continue to be an adorable little shit so I just ended up giving up on fighting it"

"I'm glad you gave up on your beliefs and hopes and dreams" Calum muttered tiredly and Hayley laughed.

"Don't fall asleep on me" Hayley said quietly.

"Too late" He yawned, nuzzling his face further into her and he pulled the covers up around himself. He was so comfortable that he was out cold within seconds.

"Calum! Calum quick wake up!" Hayley spoke loudly, and Calum jolted awake, falling off the bed and onto the floor with a thud.

"Ugh, fuck" Calum groaned, rubbing at his knee which broke his fall.

"Oops, sorry" Hayley squeaked.

"It's fine, what's wrong?"

"12am is earlier than 11am" She said, looking at him like she'd just realised the greatest thing to ever happen.

"You woke me up for that?" Calum loved his girlfriend to death, but sometimes she worried him.

"Think about it!"

"Yep, I'm thinking about it, and I'm almost positive it wasn't worth falling out of bed and breaking every bone in my body, as well as bruising my knee, for" Calum sighed, crawling back onto the bed and laying down next to Hayley on his belly.

"Are you mad at me for waking you? I'm sorry, Calum, I just didn't want to forget to tell you and how know what I'm like, I have the memory of a goldfish" She mumbled, frowning.

"I'm not mad" Calum laughed, "I lub you. Now, turn that frown upside down"

"Have you ever seen how weird it looks when you actually turn a frown upside down?" Hayley asked and Calum just raised his eyebrows at her.

"Can't say I have"

"Look, I'll show you" She said and leant over to Calum's bedside table, picking her phone up. She opened the camera and took a photo of herself obviously frowning. She flipped the phone upside down and handed it to Calum who examined it closely.

"Wow, that does not look very nice" He said, shaking his head.

"What doesn't look very nice?"

"An upside down frown" Hayley answered Luke, and the blonde boy took the phone from Calum after he held it out to show him.

"Ew, what the hell" Luke mumbled, and he tilted his head to the side slightly. "I think I'm scarred for life"

"I know, right?" Hayley agreed, taking her phone back from Luke.

"I've missed you, Calum" Luke groaned, inching closer and closer to the bed before he slowly climbed on top of Calum.

"We hung out all day today" Calum pointed out.

"That was a whole 2 and three quarter hours ago, though" Luke sighed and rested his head between Calum's shoulder blades, closing his eyes and smiling contently. Hayley actually envied their relationship sometimes.

"Stacks on!"
Hayley rolled off the bed before Michael could jump on, just missing out on being squished by him after he ran in through the doorway and pounced on top of Luke.
She laughed and left the room, heading into the lounge room where Ashton was sitting with a bowl of cereal in his lap.
"Hey" Hayley smiled, sitting down next to her best friend.
"I heard yodelling" Ashton said, looking at her questioningly.
"They're having a threesome again" Hayley shrugged.
"Why does this always happen?" Ashton laughed, leaning down and putting his now empty bowl on the ground, because who doesn't love a good bowl of breakfast at 5:30pm. "So, you and Calum are going pretty great"
"Yeah, he smells kinda funny though"
"Oh, I know. The kid doesn't know how to use deodorant"
"Who doesn't know how to use deodorant?" Calum asks as he entered the room, his hair all messed up and his clothes sitting weirdly showing that he obviously struggled to get out from underneath the two boys.
"You" Hayley shrugged and Calum just rolled his eyes and dived onto the other lounge.
"You don't need to broadcast it to the world, geez. It's not my fault I was never learnt"
"You were obviously never learnt proper English, either" Hayley comments and Ashton laughs.
"Maybe you shouldn't have dropped out of school and continued on with your edumacation instead" Ashton adds, and Calum just groans.
"You're both bullies" He sighed.
"Where are the others?" Ashton asked him.
"I don't know, I think they're still in my room. I left when Michael started humping us"
"Oh dear God" Hayley sighed, because she was going to be sleeping on that bed tonight. But hey, she got to sleep on it with Calum, so who's the real winner here?


filler filler filler filler I'm sorry I'm just trying to waste time

I need help with something okay can you comment your favourite 5sos song lyric for me please I need it it's important yay :-)

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