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Your POV

I starred at myself in the mirror, I was really going through with this, I was marrying Alexander. Last night we'd worked everything out for our marriage and what we needed to do to both be happy.
"Nervous?" Zero asked as he hugged me from behind, he hated the entire arrangement since it meant having to share me with another man, at least legal wise.
"Yes" I breathed out softly and ran a hand through me hair. Zero pushed it to one side and kissed the exposed neck.
"I get to see you again in a couple days, we can go on a trip together..." he suggested. "Until then I'll be working..."
"A pure blood having an affair with a level d vampire hunter..... this will be interesting" I jokingly said and he nuzzled my neck and kissed it again.
"We will get through" he said softly and closed his eyes. "I know it...until then, go marry another man while I'm forced to stand at the man back and watch" he said in a hurt tone, before covering it up.
"Are you sure you're okay with this?" I asked him again, this was the hundredth time it felt like. How could I even do this? Marry someone else.... after everything I've done with zero...
"I have to be, because it's either this or I lose you" he sighed and moved away. "Besides, it's only you having kids with another man" he said and tried to sound hopeful but couldn't. I seen the tears in his eyes and I moved and place a hand on his neck, over his hunter mark.
"I'm sorry" I whispered and kissed him softly. He held my hips and kissed back lovingly. I wasn't sure why but his kiss felt like a goodbye. But it did....

I walked down the isle, kaname being the one to give me away of course. He smiled at me and kissed my forehead, before handing me over to Alexander. Yuki stood behind me, being my bridesmaid. I looked into Alex's eyes and he winked at me and I almost started laughing, but kept it down quickly and went back to being serious faced. This wasn't a time to laugh. I didn't listen to the man droning on and on about marriage, but instead I glanced down the isle and to the door, where zero stood. He held up his hand when no one was looking, and I seen him flash me his left hand, which had a small silver band on it. He promised to wear it every day until I could wear mine with him.
No matter when it was.
"Do you take this woman to be your wife, for as long as you both shall live?" The guy asked and Alex flashed me another smile, and I knew what he meant. 'As long as we live is a long time'
"I do" he said calmly, the guy repeated the same thing to me and everyone's eyes fell on me. I sucked in a quick breath and ignored them



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