chapter 8- Today.

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*Monday morning, form*

Marco's POV


last night was great at Jean's room, even though he threw up a few times and the paramedics gave him new medication, it was great, I never knew how fun his friends could be, we all sat their playing with Jean's stuff, we put our own twists on board games and I everyone ended up laughing till their stomachs hurt, since Connie managed to trip up and faceplant into Sasha's... ill let you imagine, anyways I'm sitting with my group of friends, Jean actually was able to come in today, he sat at the back in the corner as usual, at least he looked happier. he actually had a smile plastered across his face

"so, Marco, it's almost Halloween, what you doing for Halloween this year?" Eren asked with a small smile, finally Mikasa was of his lap, Eren was gay, he only told me and Mikasa this because he thinks the rest will make fun of him, him and Mikasa are only going out so they can hide their gayness for other people. Eren told me he quite liked Jean, I felt Jealous and mad that he liked jean...shit, do I have feelings for jean?? no, no, no jean I only a friends! I can't possibly...ANYWAYS enough bullshit rambling. I shrugged "maybe we could all have a Halloween bonfire, and invite Jean and his friends??" Bert had raised an eyebrow "Jean...and his friends..." he said with a slight smirk, thinking I was joking but my face was completely serious.

Reiner just laughed "fuck no! they'll just kill the party!" Jean was standing behind Reiner, Jean was wearing a red and black checkered flannel with black ripped jeans (A/N: heheh Jean's jeans) and a leather jacket, and his famous grey beanie, I take it he heard everything cause he had that sexy...I MEAN totally normally smirk, anyways Jean spoke at last "Really? We would kill a party Reiner? you sound like the one to get completely drunk and ruin the fun" he said lightly glaring at Reiner. Reiner jumped in fright as he stood up and turned to look at Jean " yeah, yeah Horseface" he said with a smirk, I looked at Jean, he just shrugged and smiled "well, at least I don't throw up at having a sip of liquor" Jean's smile turned into a grin, Reiner's smirk turned into complete annoyance, Levi, Connie and Erwin who had now came to the group of people all sniggered and giggled, Even I had giggled, I didn't even know if Jean could remember that. Reiner stared at jean In annoyance as he said "huh, well I guess you wouldn't drunk crash a party since, well you cant handle drink" he said, Reiner picked up his bag and stormed out of the classroom just as the bell rang for first period.

Jean's POV


I started to walk to my first period class with Marco, since we where in the same class, we both joked and laughed on our way to class, it had felt like we never hated each other at all for the past few months, it felt great to know that things had been sorted so I was less stressed. anyways we both walked into first period, Most girls who saw us together swooned and tried to flirt with us, but, I didn't flirt back, I just awkwardly smiled and hoped they'd leave us alone. I sat with Connie up the back and Marco sat with Bertholdt, Me and Connie both gave each other a smirk before getting on with our work. I was silently looking around, a weird flustered feeling always appeared when I was with Marco, butterflies is called? well, I feel butterflies every time I'm with him, I don't even know why. 

anyways, first period was unusually quiet, me and Connie whispered back on fourth about tonight's plans, we where heading to his to play some video games and have take out, I glanced to Marco, Bert was gently sticking a sign to his back, he turned to me and Connie and held a finger to his mouth, signalling to us not to say a word, I nodded and grinned a little, the sign said 'i'm gay for Kirstien' I immediately blushed and put my head down to do my work, Connie let out a muffled giggle, since he was covering his mouth with his hand. Bert had noticed my bright red face and caught on instantly, he smirked and chuckled as he turned back to his work. Me, Bert and Connie all waited till the teacher walked out the room before we all started laughing a little. Marco Turned to us with a confused expression plastered on his face, the rest of the class started giggling. Marco turned around to look at everyone, he raised an eyebrow "What's so funny?" he said with a slight, worried smile. 

I looked to Marco and bit my lip softly from being anxious "Didn't know you felt that way Marco" i said winking at him, he looked even more confused as the class laughed more. fact is i wasn't joking around, Bert might but hell, the hardest part would be playing it off as if i was. I  let out a slight chuckle and shook my head slightly, wondering why it was so hard to keep my feelings to myself. I crossed my arms as I leaned back into my chair and slouched. Connie was giggling slightly "Oh Marco, You'll find out soon" Just then Marco turned to Bert and raised an eyebrow "What have you done??" this sentence made me and Connie laugh loudly, the class just giggled. I looked to Marco with a goofy grin "Baby he's done something" I could see Marco's cheeks flush a bright shade of pink as I called him 'baby' I let out a small chuckle as I bit my lip. resisting all urge to let my feelings slip out of my mouth. 

At the end of the period Marco finally figured out what was happening. he slapped Bert over the back of the head playfully "Fuck you" he said with a slight chuckle. he was also pretty Embarrassed. as soon as the bell rang I headed to second period, this class I was alone, it was music, I had a thing for Drums, I wouldn't say I was good at them but I was OKish. 

*Time skip to lunch* Marco's POV


Ok, so Bert's 'little Joke' back in English (First period) was NOT funny. It might of been for the others but it wasn't for me! it was embarrassing! like I don't want that going about the school! I may like Jean but not in that least I don't think so...ANYWAYS that's not important. I sat down at the table with a huff. Reiner looked over at me with a raised eyebrow "Who shat in your cereal?" he questioned. I just shook my head "Nothing" just then I saw Jean walk in, he was talking on the phone to someone as he made his way to his table to drop off his bag. Armin and Sasha where already there talking. Jean looked pissed off, I haven't seen him like that in months. just then I caught myself staring for too long so I just turned to my friends. we had PE next and today was going to be the first time jean joins in. I look to Mikasa then Eren, they where awkwardly holding hands. I decided to speak "So..who wants to meet up after school?" I said unconfidently as he looked around the group, his eyebrow slightly raised. Eren was the first to speak "Maybe...but we are all wondering why you want to invite Jean and his friends to our bonfire doesn't make any sense" I just look around them and sigh, finally giving in "Because..."  I pause to think of an answer that wasn't screaming 'I'm gay for Kirstein so may  hang out with his friends'. "Because, maybe they aren't just geeks or dorks, maybe they like to party"

 that got the group thinking. I went to go get lunch before they started to violently flood me with questions. I glanced over to Jean, who had his head on the table with Sasha rubbing his back, something wasn't right at all, I was tempted to go over after I got my lunch but I didn't in case any of my friends saw that I was associating myself with them they might ask even more questions. I quickly got my lunch and walked past Jeans table to get to ours, just then he turned to me "Marco..." he said in a low, saddened voice, I turned to face him with a raised eyebrow, then I saw it, he was in full depression. he pointed to his phone. a picture of Ella Kirstein was there, except she was pale, motionless. on the online newspaper. I dropped my lunch on the complete devastation.

the headline read...

'School shooting...5 kids dead, two teachers injured and shooter caught on sight'

I saw a single tear run down Jean's face...

was Ella one of the 5 that where dead...

or was she the shooter? many questions flooded my mind.

The new kid! (Jean x Marco)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara