Chapter 10: The Wedding

Start from the beginning

All of them were exceptionally muggle-born wizards, working in different countries of the world. All of them had 3 kids, so quite a population. I went to sit down next to mum, dad, Hugo and Scorpius. Dad was speaking with Hugo and Scorpius about Quidditch:

- "Say, what's your favorite Quidditch team?" Dad asked.

- "Definitely the Chudley Canons! They never lose!" said Scorpius.

- "My son! In law! Probably? I guess! Draco, I love your son!" said dad, acting like a five-year-old, "Everybody likes Scorpius, Ronald. Ask Rose." He said, making me blush. Hugo, mum and Draco laughed, and dad joined in. I was so surprised hearing Draco saying something quite funny, since Scorp always tells me that he's a serious man. People stopped talking, and we heard Belquis starting to play the piano while Adam and Jasmine played the violin. Everybody turned to see uncle Charlie walking in his beautiful costume, accompanied by grandpa Arthur. I could already hear Meemaw Molly sob silently. The priest was standing there, said hello to uncle Charlie, Bill, and aunt Lina, the only bridesmaid. Everybody turned around to see a beautiful lady walking with her brother down the aisle: I need to add that both Charlie and Nada were smiling to their ears. "Today, we are here to celebrate the union of Nada Salem and Charlie Weasley. But first, let's here the vows; Charlie, is you will."

- "Yes. I just am so surprised by your gown: you didn't say it was ravishing on you! I'm mad! But I forgive you. Today, I Charles Weasley, promise to be your lover, companion and friend, your partner in parenthood, your ally in conflict, your greatest fan and your toughest adversary. Your comrade in adventure, your student and your teacher, your consolation in disappointment, your accomplice in mischief. I promise to love you till death do us apart. I vow to accept your moodiness, because I find it rather cute when you're moody." Some laughed at this sentence. Scorpius and I did. "I commit my life to yours, but I will always call you Noodles." Nada laughed at this word, making everybody laugh, because her laugh was undeniably hilarious. "Nada, if you will." Said the priest.

- "Before beginning, I need to add that your costume is really handsome on you. Today, I Nada Salem, decide to become a Weasley's wife. But not any Weasley's wife: I choose you, who make me smile whenever I'm sad, you, who knows how to speak to dragons, you who makes my children feel like they have a father, and me a husband. I will never stop loving you: I promise to cook a little bit better, I vow to make you a better man and I will always call you my "Prince Charling". She said, tears of joy coming out of her eyes. That was really emotional, and very deep, Scorpius even let a tear out of his eye's corner. I did too.

- "Do you, Charles Weasley, take Nada Salem, to be your lawfully wedded wife, and love her till death do you apart?"

- "I do.

- "Do you, Nada Salem, take Charles Weasley, to be you lawfully wedded husband, and love him till death do you apart?"

- "I do." The rings were put into each other's finger, the priest said: "You may kiss the bride." They kissed. A long kiss, so full of emotions, that her lifted her up, turned her and put her back on the ground. They smiled to each other when I turned to Scorpius and said "I'm really waiting for this day to happen to me." "Am I the lucky man or not?" he asked "I already imagined you up there reading our vows, so it's a full yes!" I answered. He kissed me before being interrupted by Al's coughs, who made me smile. I was really happy. I had a best friend, soulmate and boyfriend in one person: I was really lucky.

Now was the time to cut the wedding cake, baked by granny and Jasmine, who's actually a pretty good baker. They had to give each other's first cake bite: it was really funny because both fell on the floor. Auntie Nada looked at Charlie and said: "Still a goofy Prince Charling?" she asked. "Always, Noodles." He answered, grinning. I shared my portion of the cake with Scorpius, which made us both laugh since we wanted to do the same as Charlie and Nada. We succeeded in the operation.

After some cake, we started to dance. We watched the just married couple dance a very funky dance, which made us smile and laugh. Scorpius made me dance against my own will, but still, I enjoyed it. The wedding ended around 11 at night, since the two lovebirds had to catch a plane to go to Tunisia on their honeymoon. I was lying on the fresh herbs, listening to Al and Evie's bickering, making me and Scorp dying of laugher. Belquis joined us along with her siblings.

- "Why didn't you invite Justin to the wedding?" Scorp asked.

- "I did, but he couldn't attend it since he was travelling to South Africa, with his family."

- "What about that block Zabini?" I asked.

- "He sent me an owl, telling me that Victoria gave him a love potion. I honestly can't believe he took it, because he sent me the bottle containing the potion and was written on it: "Love potion." He did that by purpose."

- "But why? Al questioned

- "I know: Belquis doesn't kiss boys on the mouth too simply because it's forbidden in our religion: by doing so, she would go and kiss him." Said Jasmine.

- "Jerk." Said Adam

- "Mum said that when I told her about my drama story." Added Belquis. I was disgusted by what I have been hearing. He was an a-hole. What an idiot. He broke his girlfriend's heart by kissing her step-sister that she hated, so he could get to kiss her. Belquis yawned and wished for us a good night. Everybody copied her, except for Scorp and I. We stood up and walked to the wedding chairs. He went up the aisle and stood in Charlie's place. I went in front of him, pretending to be the one getting married. We stood looking at each other, when he leant to kiss me: we broke apart after many minutes, grinning goofily. This was the beginning of Scorpius and I: Scorose.

Coincidence: a Scorose/Rosius fanfcitionWhere stories live. Discover now