Chapter 3: Practising

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As I stood up, Belquis and Evelynne joined me:

- "We're already three girls. We only need three others persons." Assumed Evelynne

- "How about Adam, Albus and Scorp join us?" Belquis suggested

- "I have no objections". "How about you Evelynne?"

- "Me too." she supposed

As we were speaking, the 3 boys came in:

- "Is it okay if we join you, girls?" they asked

We all nodded, as to say yes and we started to practice. It wasn't as easy as I thought, because I had no idea what was my happiest memory: pajama parties with my cousins, being sorted into Gryffindor or opening my Christmas gifts. Suddenly, an idea came to my mind:

"Professor, can you please cast for us a patronus?"

"Well, very good question, miss Weasley". She ordered to the students to give her some space, breathed and said:

"Expecto patronum!"

And as soon as she said the incantation, we all opened our mouths in surprise: a blue light came from miss Wright's wand and formed into her guardian animal that was a beautiful, yet gracious animal: it was a Manx cat, that was known to be quirky and fierce. What a surprise, I thought her patronus was a phoenix, just like Dumbledore, even if she had more of McGonagall's personality.

The animal flew around the class and came near Belquis, and at that precise moment, she yelled: "Expecto patronum!!"

Suddenly, we all turn to discover her patronus and without any surprises, the same blue light came from her wand and formed into an animal that was a cat, just like her mum.

"Look professor, I casted a patronus and it is the same as yours"

"Very good, Belquis. I expected that because you're an exact copy of me." she presumed

I was very happy for my friend, she had casted her first patronus. As for me, I tried the hole first period and it didn't work: I didn't know why....

- "Do you have a problem, Rose?" Albus asked

- "It has been an hour since the class started and I didn't cast anything".

- "Well it's the same for me too. But I'm sure that you will cast it, sooner or later". He smiled. I wasn't that convicted by his words. I never failed to do anything and that was really frustrating me...

A shriek disconnected me from my thoughts, that turned out to be Evelynne's squeal: She produced a patronus and it was a deer.... Hhmmm. I really need to know what is the patronus of Albus, because since this year, I always felt like these two completed each other: he was bold, fierce and cunning, she was timid, gentle and honest. In a certain way, he was the only one to make her like him and the same happened to him, so they kind of completed each other...

An hour and a half already past, and yet nearly everybody in the classroom had already casted and seen their patronuses. I was jealous of them, no wonder but I really was hoping to cast one so I could inform my mum and dad about my patronus since both of them were betting if it was a jack Russel terrier or an otter.... Scorp came next to me and said:

- "Don't you worry, Rosie". "You'll be able to produce your patronus by the end of the class".

- "Thanks Scorp". "How about you?"

- "Same thing". "I think that I'm not really going to get it today."

- "But have you actually thought of your happiest memory?"

- "Well, I thought of my mum and her lovely smile, before she died..." added Scorpius melancholically

- "You know, since I've known you, I've never got to tell you about your mum.... I'm really sorry Scorpius."

- "Oh, you know it has been three years, but since I've got many friends now, I'm feeling much better. Thanks Rose."

As I was going to say something, Professor Wright came and asked me if I could produce a patronus...

- "Well Professor, I tried countless times and nothing happened..."

- "Then cast it with Mr. Malfoy, at the same time. Never give up on something that you want badly."

- "But I've thought of my happiest memory and nothing happened..."

- "Maybe because you haven't lived your happiest memory". "It took me a while to put this spell to work, but I didn't make it until I lived my truly best moment." She said with a wink. "Come on try one time with Scorpius, and remember that nobody's perfect!"

I was incredibly surprised to know that she couldn't produce a patronus in her first try. I nodded to Scorpius to set him in place to be ready, and as we said the invocation, a blue light came from my wand and was really close to form my patronus. Scorpius, produced a blue light also, but it wasn't really clear as it didn't form into his guardian. However, I could see that his patronus had feathers.... Maybe an owl.

- "Well, Rose, some blue light came from your wand. It's a progress!"

- "I'm satisfied, but I'm not really sad anymore."

- "Practice makes perfect". "Class dismissed, miss Wealsey, I need to borrow some of your time, if you don't mind."

Class had ended, except for me apparently.

She approached and...

- "Rose, is your uncle Charlie coming to the Burrow to celebrate Christmas with all of your family?"

I looked at her in an interrogative way. Why did she ask that? Does she know uncle Charlie?

Why at Christmas? Hmm, too many questions:

- "I think so, he comes at every Christmas, why do you ask, Professor?"

- "Well, Charlie and I were best friends at school from the very moment we met, but since he decided to go to Romania to study dragons and I to Germany to become your DADA professor, we stopped talking to each other". "I was wondering if I could go see and talk to him after all these years."

- "Ok, miss. I'll let you know sooner or later. Bye."

I looked at missWright, stupefied.... She was uncle Charlie's best friend at school. But he nevermentioned her...Thinking of it, yes! He mentioned her once in a detention he hadgot himself into with her in 6th year...    

Coincidence: a Scorose/Rosius fanfcitionWhere stories live. Discover now