Chapter 9: A kiss is all it takes

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Scorpius's POV

I was in my dormitory, putting perfume, a muggle 'The Scorpion's Thorn'. I liked it, and so did Rose: I wanted to be perfect for her. I feel like it's the day I should confess my long hided feeling towards her, even if I didn't know how. I take a risk to ruin my friendship with her, but let me be a Gryffindor for one night only. Albus went to pick up Evelynne from the Hufflepuff common room, that was quite far. I looked at myself a last time: I was wearing a white slim fit costume, composed by a white shirt, a grey waistcoat, a grey vest, very slim pants and brown shoes that shined bright. I decided to wear a muggle costume because I think they look more elegant than our actual dress robes, that I find rather ugly. I walked to the Gryffindor common room, to pick up Rose. After 5 minutes, a very elegant Rose came out of the portrait: she was heavenly beautiful, wearing a white lace dress that went down to her ankles, golden high heels that embraced her svelte feet, her Weasley hair tight up into a high messy braided bun and some hair coming out that was curly, and some lovely fresh makeup that made her better than perfection. I smiled at her and she blushed.

Rose's POV

Before going out of the common room, I looked at myself a last time, and went.I went out of the common room to find Scorpius, wearing a very handsome grey costume, with a white shirt and a waistcoat, that made him even more attractive to my eyes, that showed his heavenly abdominals. His rather long blond hair was very precisely brushed, each hair onto its place. I couldn't not blush: he was irresistible and I couldn't help it. Bloody hell, I love him. He smiled at me and so did I, trying not to make myself discovered. His cologne, 'The Scorpion's Thorn', my favorite one, was detectable far from three meters away. His leather, brown derby shoes were shining bright diamond. He was elegant and many girls started pointing their fingers at him. I went to him, trying not to fall of these heels that Lily forced me to wear. I can't hold it anymore: I had to admit my feelings towards him, I don't have another choice, do I?

Scorpius's POV

- "You look amazingly beautiful. I'm so lucky you're my date." I said, meaning what I said.

- "Thank you. You're not so bad yourself." She said, smirking. "Only joking, you're very handsome. I like your outfit. It's different than dress robes." She added, smiling to me. My heart melts whenever something nice come out of her red wine lips. I couldn't know how I resisted to the temptation of pulling her into a kiss.

- "Should we go, Ms. Weasley?" I asked, offering her to take my hand. "I thought of the same thing, Mr. Malfoy." she added, accepting my hand. We were walking, behind us Justin and Bel, wearing a dark dress robe and a beautiful green corset gown, her hair falling down to her back, curled by Rosie-Posie. We went to the Great Hall, that was completely changed: no tables or chairs, decorations and emblems of the four Houses were floating, music was played by the Weird Sisters, who was Rose's and I favorite music group, at least wizarding one. We joined Albus and Evelynne, who were giggling at each other.

Al chose to wear a muggle costume like me, expect it was black. Evelynne, was wearing a long, fluid pink dress, going down to her feet, and had long golden earrings. Albus, I must admit, did have some good taste in women. As for me, I sure had a perfect one! Adam, Iris and Jasmine joined us and we started speaking very loudly, which was very common. Bel said that her mum and Charlie were here, as well as the Minister herself. We all saw Hermione Granger-Weasley, dresses up in a short silver dress, having a conversation with her husband, Charlie and miss Salem. McGonagall gave a short speech and so did the music begin to play. "Would you care to dance with me, Ms. Weasley?" I said, offering her my hand. "I don't see any problem to this, Mr. Malfoy." She added, taking my hands.

Coincidence: a Scorose/Rosius fanfcitionWhere stories live. Discover now