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"A drag race " i say in the drivers seat of dads truck picking Archie and Jughead up from shankshaw prison. "I dont see how yous dressing up as drag queens is going to help " i say as they buckle up and i pull the truck out of the parking lot. Jughead chuckled at my stupid remark.
"Whos driving ?" I ask
"me obviously and Archies in the passenger seat "
"Well ill be there . Have you got a car all sorted then ?"
"Oh that reminds me Luna can you swing by Reggies and pick up the car " Archie interupts , i stared at him through the mirror since he was in thr back.
"Why me ?" I ask
"Well i thought youd want to help Betty with it "
"I do but cant you pick it up from Reggies "
"Ive got to meet Mr Lodge " Archie says making me and Jughead look at each other .
Around lunch time i headed to Reggie Mantles house i stepped up the porch and knocked on the door which soon opened and revealed a smirking boy in his lettermen jacket.
"Wipe that smirk off your face Mantle "
"Someones a bit fiesty today " he winked .
"Archie sent me here it wasnt through choice " i say rolling my eyes. He opened his door wider letting me in.
"Right this way " he said taking me into the double garage . I saw the car it needed a bit of work but nothing me and Betty couldnt handle.
"If this is being taken into the southside garage make sure you keep an eye on it " i walked close to him and placed my hand on his chest .
"Dont worry your car will be fine " he looked down at me . " ill make sure of it " i say quietly near his ear. He had a look of shock which then turned to a grin . His hands went to my hips slightly pulling me closer towards him . His brown eyes flicked down to my lips before i could even think our lips met . I pulled away and looked at him to see his eyes filled with lust . Im not entirely sure i was thinking but my lips went back onto his this time each of us with a bit more force. He lifted me onto the counter in the garage as my legs wrapped around his waist , his lips went down to my neck kissing and gently sucking leaving some purple marks there as my fingers tangled in his black locks. I lifted his shirt over his head revealing his tanned abs , he tugged at my top before removing it leaving me in my red bra . I could feel him harden between my legs making me desperate for him something i never thought i would feel for Reggie but oh well.


Both of us caught our breath back before i picked up my clothes from the floor putting them back on . Reggie put his joggers back on but remained topless , as i put my jeans back on he pulled me towards him .
"That was something else " he said smirking.
"If you tell anyone about this " i say pointing at him
"Dont worry babes "
"Also you know Archie would kill you. Anyways i should probably get going "
"Theres no rush my parents arent back for another hour " he says getting the key from the hook and chucking it to me .
"I better go ive gotta work on this heep of junk"
"Dont insult the wheels they might help your little serpent friend win " i nod before getting into the car while he buzzed open the garage door for me . I drove off out of he garage and down the road . I drove along the long road which led to the southside part of town i had been given directions to help me get to the garage i stopped outside and waited before going in . I looked in the little mirror at my neck i wish i didnt as i saw two rather dark lovebites. As i looked at them i sighed why did i just do that with Reggie Mantle just thinking about it made me groan and hold my head , i drove on into the garage to see Betty in her overalls waiting . I got out and shut the door and going to her side.
"Hey B "
"Luna " she said embracing me in a hug .
"How have you been ?"
"Well "
"Betty cmon you can tell me . If its to do with Jughead i know you guys broke up "
"Well the whole reason we broke up is because ive been getting calls from the black hood and he wanted me to distance myself from Veronica and now Jughead "  she says finally admiting to what had been going on the past couple of days .
"Oh Betty " i say wrapping my arm around her .
"You need to speak to Jughead "
"But since ive done this the blackhood hasnt hurt anyone"
"But hes hurting you and your friends Betty . Jugheads hurting even if he wont admit it and so is Veronica" Betty looked at me and nodded .
"Cmon lets get working on this " i say looking at the car.
"Its going to need a lot of work by the looks of things " she says lifting up the bonnet of the car . I said i would help but i end up just sitting hovering and handing her tools as well as eating. As Betty tightened some bolts on the car she looked at me and just grinned.
"Dont think i didnt notice them as soon as i saw you " she says tapping her neck.
"Can we not talk about that " i say grabbing another handful of chips.

As Betty finished the car we packed up getting ready to leave .
"Thanks for all the help Luna " she said grinning.
"Hope you enjoyed my services " i say .
"Ive got to lock up " she said picking up the keys .
"Betty ill do it dont worry "
"You sure ?"
"Yes go get home before your mom sends out a search party "
"Thanks " she said before leaving . Once she left i began to lock up the tools in the cupboard when i heard someone come in .
"Im locking up " i say not looking at who had come in .
"Thats a shame doll " i recognised the voice . I turnt to see Sweetpea arms folded looking at me .
"So not in jail then "
"No , no charges were made "
"I heard about the raid so i went to the school to get Jug outta there , i would have went to get you and Fangs aswell but obviously "
"Dont worry about it , thats what happens when northsiders get hold of jingle jangle we still some how get roped into it " he said his jaw tensing.
"Did you actually come here for something ? Or did you come just to pester me ?"
"I came to pick up my bike actually " he said pointing to his motorbike in the corner of the garage.
"Oh right"
"Whoever fixed your bike where did they put your keys ?"
"I dont have a clue "
"Great help you are , you do know i dont work here right " i say rolling my eyes and trying to look for some keys. I went into the office i heard Sweetpeas boots behind me . I sat down in the desk chair and Sweetpea flopped down into the one opposite me . I opened up the drawers and turnt my head to the side slightly so i could look through them.
"Looks like someones been having fun" i look up from the drawers.
"Huh?" I say confused . He smirked as his eyes flicked to my neck. I glare at him.
"What,nif you dont want me to say something pherhaps you should make more of an effort to hide them  "
"I didnt really have much choice okay i had to come straight here " i state.
"Before you came here " he started laughing making me glare at him once more. "Whos the guy anyways ?"
"Why you jealous ?"
"Not a chance northsider " he says with a smirk. I hide my grin and searcj the bottom drawer which i find a set of motorcycle keys in i chuck them at him.
" i better not get into trouble for giving you your bike " i say as we left the garage and i locked up before giving him the keys.
"Give these to Jughead for me "
"Why should i do yet another favor for you" he says taking the car keys and the garage keys from my hand .
"Well looks like your doing it " i grin and look down at me feet.
"Consider yourself lucky , cause i dont do favors "
"Okay Sweetpea im guessing youll be at the drag race tommrow "
"Well i would think so "
"Okay ill see you then "
" see ya northsider " he said making me flip him off. He drove off on his newly fixed bike as i walked home.

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