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It was a beautiful evening

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It was a beautiful evening. The sun had started to set early lately, so it was dark already when you and Steve walked back to Avengers tower. You wore his coat around your shoulders in addition to your own as snow drifted through the light of the streetlamps. You'd had a lovely night, even though Steve was the main attraction wherever you went. There were almost always a swarm of fans nearby, but he gave you his full attention, and you even did some dancing. He cleared his throat softly beside you, and you looked at him, giving him the go ahead. Whatever he wanted to say was obviously weighing heavy on his shoulders, the unspoken words thickening the air between you exponentially as the night wore on. 

"___y/n___." He sighed, running a hand through his blonde hair. "I just-I know I'm telling you things that you already know, but just hear me out." You gave him a reassuring nod and he continued on. "Bucky is not the same person he was before Hydra got to him. He may never be that person...but that's not to say that he won't change." You looked at him, amused. You'd never seen the Captain so tongue-tied before.

"You want me to stand by him no matter what happens. No matter who he becomes, in spite of who he was, regardless of the problems he has now." After a hopeful glance from Steve you answered. "Yes I will. I love him, I don't plan on leaving him. Ever." He stopped and took your hands in his, looking at you with his electrifying eyes.

"I know you're good for each other. I like this a lot. And I really appreciate you. In saying that, I also don't want you to get hurt. I care about the both of you." He lowered his eyes to your hands in his. "I am willing to be a barrier. I hope to God it doesn't come to it, but you call me if you need my help." You nodded meekly.

"Okay," your voice was just above a whisper as he pulled you in for a hug. 

"You call me."

You walked the rest of the way back to the tower in a rather grim silence, the falling snow giving the city an eerie silence. You exited the elevator on the lounge floor, the two of you shocked and frozen in place at the scene laid out before you. Sam, Clint, Tony, Banner and Vision had all left that afternoon to pursue a lead on Hydra. Instead, Bucky sat on the floor in front of the couch with a Cosmo magazine in his massive hands while Wanda plaited his hair into an intricate four strand braid. Nat sat on the other end of the couch, painting her toenails, peaking over his shoulder at something interesting every now and again. 

You covered your mouth with your hand, hiding a small, inaudible giggle, shooting a sidelong glance at Steve. He simply pursed his lips to keep in the laughter while retreating back into the elevator. Taking a deep breath, you walked over to stand between Bucky's outstretched legs, planting a kiss on the top of his head. 

"It looks like you're having a really good time sweetie, but I was kinda thinking we could head to bed..." He lifted his steely eyes to your face, a smile creeping into his plump pink lips. 

"Hey doll, I'm happy you're back. Good time with Stevie?" You smiled.

"Yeah, I did have a good time. Are you having a nice time with my girls?" Wanda tied off his braid and busied herself with her own magazine. 

"Yeah we had a really good time." He came to his feet and gave a small wave to the girls, taking your hand in his. "I learned a lot about girl stuff and we talked some." He still had the Cosmo in his hand when he opened the door to your room and closed it behind the two of you. 

"So what did you talk about sweetie?" You turned to face him as he tossed aside the magazine, taking you in his arms. 

"You know that girls night is confidential," a sly smirk crept into his face as he slid his fingers to rest on your hips. You mirrored his smile, slowly backing him up against the wall, pressing your lips against his. 

"Mmm is that so..." You mumbled against his lips before pulling away. You blushed at the hunger in his eyes tugging your bottom lip between your teeth. A low rumble formed in his throat as he leaned in to kiss you fiercely. It was a short time before the back of your legs hit the bed and you were tossed into the most incredible dream. 

It was the wee hours of the morning when you felt his muscular body tense beside you. It took every bone in your body to keep yourself from reaching out to him. So you rolled silently off your side of the bed, quietly swiping your phone off the bedside table and slinking your way to the bathroom. Turning the volume low on your phone you dialed Steve, sliding into a satin bath robe. 

"Are you okay?" He already sounded alert, and you could hear him pulling a shirt over his head. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm a light sleeper, I got up the minute I noticed-" your words were cut short by a shout from your room. "Steve it kills me to see him like this." 

"I know, I'm on my way, I'm taking the stairs." You stayed on the line until he was outside your door, and you moved quietly to open it for him. He peeked inside before motioning you to leave. It wasn't your first choice, but you set your jaw and followed him out to sit on the couch. 

"I can't just leave him in there like that, you know that." He bowed his head, running his fingers through his hair. "And I can't just leave like this all the time. It breaks my heart, I don't sleep and I'm a complete mess if I don't sleep-it's not like our job is particularly mundane." You exhaled deeply. "You know I don't mean it like that, this isn't about me. We have to do something." Before he could answer Bucky shuffled into the room looking very much like a zombie. Fear and pain lined his face and twisted his features. He looked years older, rugged and worn. Steve stood up from the couch the minute he came into view. 

"___y/n___" his voice cracked, and a few stray tears streamed down his cheeks. He made his way to you and crumpled when he reached the couch, his head against your shoulder, tears staining your robe. "I'm so sorry." He made no move to touch you as you raised your hands to play with his now loose hair. 

"I don't know what to do sweetie. What do we do?" Steve sat beside his friend on the couch, resting a hand on his hunched back.

"I wish they'd just go away." 

When The Light Comes | Bucky x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя