Chapter 1

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My name is Seria, I was a princess on the island of Danu Talis but even I don't know the full reason why we sank beneath the waves of the massive ocean. My people sank beneath the waves long before the ice age. My home disappeared about 3 million years ago. I can't even tell you how old I was or even how old I am for the years have started to blur together but what I do remember of my childhood on Danu Talis is very frightening. I estimate that I was about 10 when my home was destroyed. All I remember is seeing the stars being blocked out and everyone running and screaming. I could clearly see many people running into the water with cuts and being eaten by the monsters in the depths of the ocean. Then I saw one of those very monsters being dragged into a red glowing light floating above my city. But for now I'll tell you about myself and my childhood even though I doubt anyone will ever read this or even believe it is true but I shall tell you all the same. You are probably asking yourself, if she lived on Atlantis when it sank how is she still alive and how did she escape? Well I'll tell you how. Danu Talis had a huge power source that was like a living diamond. We used this power source to keep ourselves alive for centuries longer than the traditional humans. Your people have had names for what we are for centuries. They were things like vampires, werewolves, pixies, ghosts, and all the other creatures that go bump in the night.

Contrary to what you might have believed very few people died on Danu Talis the night it sank. The main reason very few of my kind died that night was because all of my people had special control over the elements the 5 most powerful are earth, water, fire, spirit, and air. Other elements that were common were metals, electricity, poison, vegetation, and even magic. Most of the people who died that night were earth and fire users as we called them. All the others including myself used our elements to get away. I myself am an air user so I flew away on an air current I created. We also can have wings but very few truly want them as they cause immense pain from hiding them. There are three types of wings, fairy wings, such a mine, are the lightest and fastest wings and they cause the least amount of pain. However, they are also the easiest to tear off. The second type is the colored wings, they are often black, white and gray colored. They are strong wings and fast but they are very average wings and the most common. The final wings are dragon wings, which are the strongest wings and the hardest to rip off. They also cause the most pain luckily they can only be found on dragons.

Now I myself am what is known as a hybrid, or a half breed. I am mostly vampire but I have some wolf and even seelie or summer fae. My life after my people sank has been anything but pleasant even though I have had a few good moments in my life most of it has been difficult to say the least.

AN: I got the idea of a Living Diamond as a power source from one of my favorite childhood Disney movies, Atlantis: The Lost Empire if there are other stories like my own I tell you now that i came up with the idea of Atlantis being filled with supernatural creatures who controlled elements and that some could fly from my own messed up mind. I'm not sure where the name Danu Talis came from but I'm sure I read it somewhere. If you know where the name came from please message me so I can tell everyone. If you see any errors in my story let me know. I have very poor spelling but if you are just going to tell me I failed to capitalize something just wait because eventually I will edit it and fix those mistakes. These errors can include errors in logic like the time frame not making since or the animals I put in the story not being there yet I would like to fix those as much as possible. Well thanks for reading and if you like the story please like the story and if you have any suggestions please comment them. I don't really have too many ideas for this story so if I really like your idea I can and will add your idea.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2014 ⏰

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