Waking up or going to sleep?

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I'm so glad that Gumlee777 is enjoy this as much as me XD Literally she is one of my biggest inspirations and I love to talk to her, if you didn't come to my Wattpad through her make sure you go and follow her XD I really hope you're all enjoying this and as always leave a vote if you liked it and comment to help me make this better :D

They all started talking to me. BMO, Fionna, Cake and Marshall. BMO and Fionna said silly stuff as usual and so did Cake but I knew it was meant to help me...But Marshall...He seemed so sad, I could barely take it. He needs me to wake up, but as soon as I started to try and wake up it hurt so much. It's like all my injuries are hitting me ten times worse than they are. I started to work, thinking and pushing, trying so hard to wake up and it just all fell on me. I can move without wanting to scream in pain. Marshall needs me though...I don't want to push myself so hard that I die, but I can't stay here forever...It's going to take a lot of time, but I will return to him, because I love him.


Fionna and the others had gone. I was all alone with him again and still he slept, unresponsive to all my conversation. I couldn't stand it, I love him so much and to have to see him like this. It made me think about all the times I couldn't just walk up to him and talk to him, and when I had to move away and everyday I just had to think of him.

"Come on Gumball. You can do it, for me if not you. Just get up...Please. Get up, really I need you to just get up and start talking back...Please...Please, just do it." I said to myself,

The nurse came in, she smiled at me but I paid her no attention.

"Seriously Gumball, wake up and start talking back, I can't stand it...Please..." I paused for a minute, "Sure thing Marshall, I'll get up and be fine, it'll all be fixed again and you wont have to spend another minute alone..."

"Sir, are you okay?" The nurse asked,

I didn't care about her questions.

"Thank god Gumball, you spoke back to me...This means everything, this is why I love you so much, you're the best friend I could ever ask for..." I waited a minute again, "It's all okay, I love you too and that's why I woke up. I need you as much as you need me..."

"Sir, please, you're acting strange...You should go home now and get some rest." The nurse tried again,

I jumped up and turned to her fast, and started to shout "I don't need sleep! Why would I need sleep? I'm starting to think no-one ever needs to sleep again! I just know that if another of my friends goes to sleep they wont ever get up again!"

"Sir, you're scaring me, please" She said backing away,

I dropped to my knees, dishevelled and broken.

"I'm sorry, to you, to him...I just want it to be that we trade places...He can wake up and I'll go to sleep forever, I don't even care...I CAN'T STAND THIS ANYMORE!...Please just end it for me...end...it...please." I collapsed to the ground, and lay there unmoving,

"Sir, I'll get some assistance..."

"No. Let me be, I'm going to go to sleep right here..."

"Not on the floor, I'll get somebody to help you get home."

"No! I want to sleep here!"

She ran out and returned with a man. He picked me up and led me outside where I was put into a car. It all sort of faded together and before I knew it I was in bed at home and the man was gone. I wasn't going to sleep, not yet. I couldn't just fall asleep and then wake up again, I had to make sure I was like Gumball. So when I closed my eyes, it was for good.

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