Move on. Even if it hurts to do so. {Book 1}

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Chapter 1:

I was running in the forest that seemed so familiar, but to me it was going at a blur. My mind was in a haze. Why was I running? Were we in trouble? I didn't know stealing some cookies before dinner was this bad.

My parents were beside me pushing my little legs further, even though it was killing me to move so fast.They told me not to look back, they said we have to keep moving on. But the strong fumes reached me, and tempted me to look, I've smelled this before I thought. It was never this strong, but the smell was familiar, just like this forest, and I was curious as to what would smell so familiar, but so strong. My mama's perfume? My dad's cologne? Trish's smell after she came out of Danny's room?

I looked back, even if I knew that I shouldn't, even if I knew that my mama and dad would be mad, even though it would stay in my mind forever; I looked back.

It was red, lots and lots of red. No wonder why it smelled so familiar, mama uses fire to cook a lot of our foods. Our pack was burning! The fire was trying to cook them up!

I stopped, my parents yelling at me, telling me to hurry up. I couldn't just leave our pack like that! I thought that we were loyal to our pack, that we were suppose to save each other no matter what! I glared at my parents, even if I knew that it would get me in some more trouble than stealing some cookies, I was mad at them.

How dare they! I was loyal to my pack, I was the daughter of the alpha! My pack always came first! I ran back there, only to be lifted up by my dad. I was screaming, wailing, crying. I didn't care that it made me look weak or young. I didn't want to be grown up if it meant leaving my pack behind like this.

My parents were yelling something at me, but I didn't want to listen, the only thing I wanted was to save my pack. I didn't want to lose them, they were family! I was fighting my dad in every way I could, but he must have hit something on me, because I couldn't see straight and I was trying to stay awake.

I looked back one more time - I don't care if it was forbidden to do it; I mean everybody does something forbidden, right? - and I was met with a face that I later vowed to never forget.

My pack's enemy. My pack's murderer. My enemy. The one I vowed to kill no matter what.


Hello! This is a new story I want to write. I wanted to enter it in the watty awards too, but I have a feeling that I won't be able to finish it before the awards are over, so I'll just enter the next book into the awards; that is if this book is actually liked.

Anyways, this story is a little bit different I hope, and I want to do better than my first story.... Did anyone notice that the three words at the top can be simplified to say V.C.R.? Random.

I hope that I can get a couple of votes or comment before I get the next chapter up! *hint hint* Criticism is welcomed, and I bid you a good life!

Move on. Even if it hurts to do so. {Book 1}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant