Jack Johnson (2)

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Major Jack J feels rn.... And also there's definately gonna be a part 2 to this imagine, and I may turn it into a fanfic once I finish up with my Matt one (Pretend Love) which if you aren't reading you should :P

Ok I hope you like this because I think it's super cute... 


“Today was completely amazing,” You say out loud to nobody in particular.


You were lying with your head on your boyfriend Jack Johnson’s chest. You had only been together for a few months, and though you hadn’t said it yet, you really loved him. You met Jack through your friends and neighbors Nash Grier and Cameron Dallas. They moved into the spacey apartment next door to you about a year ago, and you really hit it off.


Then you met all Nash and Cam’s friends, who at first referred to you as ‘the hot girl that lives next store to Big Grier and Dallas’. You were fine with that, you didn’t think you would actually fall for these geeks...


But look at you now... 5 months and you and Jack were still going strong.


It was December 20th and it was warm in LA, what a shocker. You were in college for music, something you really loved, and you were about 3000 miles from your hometown on the east coast.


Your parents were not happy you were trying to make it in LA as a singer. You were in college for Vocal Performance, and you were getting small gigs around the clock. It wasn’t where you want to be... But it was ok, for now.

But they feel betrayed. They refused to pay for you tuition, but you got a scholarship so you’re ok.


Needless to say... You aren’t going to be going home for christmas this year.


Jack knows that things at your old home are hard, but he doesn’t understand. He accepts them, but he doesn’t realize what you have to go through. Being cut off from everything you’ve ever known, having to make it in a foreign place where you know no one and nothing...


He’s got a family, back in Omaha, that loves him... And he’s going to see them in 5 days.

Tonight was your little Christmas with your sorta new family... Sam and Nash and Cam and Hayes and Carter and Jack G and Jack J were all here. It was nice to spend time with people who loved you.


“Did we open all the presents?” Jack G asked. You were all exhausted, it was almost midnight, and a bit drunk on hot chocolate.


“I think so,” you said.


“Actually... There’s one more,” your boyfriend says. You love laying with your head on his chest because feeling the vibrations in his chest when he talks and especially when he laughs is the best thing in the world.


Jack sits up, thus pulling your body with him, and you both lean with your backs against the couch.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2014 ⏰

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