"Gowasu I didn't expect to see you here." Zamasu said in surprise.

"You must be the Gowasu from the timeline where Lord Beerus saved you." Black said flatly.

"How could a Kai cause such atrocities?!" Gowasu asked his apprentice in a disgusted tone.

"I couldn't sit by and let mortals ruin everything beautiful. Everything I do I do for justice!" Black said extending his arms above him. "I must say I didn't expect the chance to kill you a third time." He smiled evilly before he and Zamasu sent energy blasts at the Kais.

Vegeta and Goku were in front of the Kais before the blast hit them. When the smoke cleared it revealed they were super saiyan blue. Mae powered up and went to join them. "I recommend you guys leave. I doubt we will be able to protect you more in this fight." She said taking a position next to Goku.

"I won't leave. I can't leave." Gowasu said. "I know we can go find the super dragon balls and we will rewrite this wrong!"

"Hahaha! Good thing we destroyed the super dragon balls!" Black laughed manically.

"How could you?!" Gowasu fell to his knees.

"Come we should get somewhere safe." Shin said grabbing Gowasu's elbow. He led the Kai some place safe and the saiyans were ready to fight.

"So which one do you want?" Goku asked Vegeta.

"The one that looks like you obviously," Vegeta smirked.

"You think you can take him alone?" Goku asked.

"Of course I can, Kakarot!" Vegeta snapped.

"Alright then. Mae you're with me." Goku looked to his daughter who nodded in return.

With that the saiyans flew at their respective targets.  Vegeta grabbed Black and was shoving him through a building. Zamasu was caught off guard when he felt how much power Vegeta and Mae had gained. Goku and Mae coordinated their attacks against him. However they were still at a disadvantage with him being invincible.

"How is it that you have so much power?" Zamasu demanded from Mae. "You are a pathetic half-breed mortal!"

"It's because I have saiyan blood running through my veins!" Mae yelled back.

Goku used that opening to send energy blasts at Zamasu driving him into the ground. As the smoke cleared he simply got up and dusted himself off. Suddenly he felt that Vegeta was taking the upper hand against Black. As he went to try and help his counterpart Mae stopped him.

"If you want to go help then you need to get through us!" Goku said flying in for an another attack.

Zamasu scowled as he tried to find ways to get passed Mae and Goku but the saiyans weren't giving him the opportunity. They both could feel that Vegeta was over powering Black and if they could just find some way to beat Zamasu then they could win the fight. "Your mortal bodies are gifts from the gods yet the way you use them is disgraceful!" Zamasu yelled as he went to attack Goku.

"What's disgraceful is all this destruction you've caused all in the name of justice!" Goku yelled as he slammed Zamasu into the ground.

Suddenly Mae and Goku felt a sudden spike in Black's power. "Dad you feel that?" Mae asked quickly.

"Yea go help Vegeta, I'll stay here and take Zamasu!" Goku said looking to where Vegeta and Black were.

"Right!" Mae said as she flew off to meet Vegeta. When she arrived Black was holding a scythe made out of his energy.

"Welcome Mae. Now you and Vegeta can both witness my wrath!" Black grinned holding the scythe out ready to attack. "Now die saiyans!"

"Watch out!" Mae called as the blade sliced through the air. Narrowly missing Vegeta and Mae, the attack caused a rift in the sky to open. "What the hell?!" Mae and Vegeta said at the same time.

"Well this is unexpected. It seems I've attained a power that's beyond even my own understanding. It's amazing how fighting you saiyans has brought me to such a level of power!" Black laughed looking into the magenta colored rip.

"What the hell is that thing?!" Goku said as he joined Mae and Vegeta.

"I thought you were taking care of Zamasu!" Mae snapped at her father.

"I saw that huge rift and came to help!" Goku stammered.

"Well it doesn't matter now Kakarot. Since you are here you might as well fight." Vegeta said glaring at Black.

Just as they were about to attack him pink clouds poured out of the rift and started to make duplicates of Black. They surrounded the saiyans keeping them from attacking Black head on.

"They just keep coming!" Mae said as she kicked through a copy.

"Your effort is futile." Black laughed as he watched them fight.

"Oh yea?!" Goku exclaimed as he tried to use his instant transmission to get to Black, however for some reason it wasn't working. "Damn it I can't lock on to anything!"

"You can't use your instant transmission?" Mae asked in shock.

"No that rip must be the reason." Goku said throwing a punch at a copy.

"At this very moment Zamasu should be taking care of your friends. And after they're dead, we will kill you Mae, then Vegeta, and of course we are saving the best for last, you Goku." Black laughed.

"Trunks is with them." Vegeta reminded Mae and Goku. "There's no way he's going to lose."

"What the?" Black said using his instant transmission. When he vanished the rift closed causing the copies to disappear.

"Kakarot! Use your instant transmission now!" Vegeta said as he and Mae grabbed on to Goku.
Goku brought them to where Trunks, Bulma, and Mai were. Zamasu was there too but he looked as if something was wrong, like something had weakened him.

"What has happened to you?" Black asked Zamasu.

"These- These mortals they have more power than I imagined." Zamasu said trying to catch his breath. "They somehow managed to contain me in a jar and even though I was able to break free it weakened me."

"Perhaps we should show these mortals what true divine perfection is." Black grinned at his counter part.

"Yes I think you are right." Zamasu said as he pulled the potara earring off his left ear.

"They wouldn't?!" Shin exclaimed.

"Now mortals, witness a true god is about to be born!" Zamasu said as he put the earring on his right ear.

A bright light caused Mae to shield her eyes as Black and Zamasu fused into one. After the light faded, she looked and saw the one being had Zamasu's green skin and Black's saiyan hair, only it was white instead of pink. Even their clothes had fused together, he was wearing a black Kai uniform now. Mae, Goku and Vegeta stared in awe as they could feel the immense power coming off Zamasu.

"Behold my power! This form is justice! This form is perfection! I am the world, give praise unto me and worship me! All hail Zamasu!"

Dragonball MaeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora