Stain and the League of Villains

Start from the beginning

"Do not interfere!" Midoriya suddenly froze as he heard All For One shout. He was about to go and back up Shigarki, but with All For One's words, Midoriya slowly sunk back down into the seat and watched.

Shigaraki tried to reach for Stain but was easily dodged, a knife was stabbed into his shoulder, and was tackled to the ground. Stain was atop Shigaraki, a knife in his shoulder with another knife close to his neck. 

"No matter what you want to accomplish you need to have conviction and desire. Those without it and those who are weak will be weeded out. That's why it turns out like this," As Stain spoke Midoriya began to feel irritated again. Every time they met, Stain's words kept reminding him of All Might and Bakugo. The memories of being called weak caused him to clench his fist as all Midoriya could do was watch. 

Stain's eyes kept glancing at Midoriya, the murderous gaze he gave off couldn't be ignored. Glancing back down to Shigaraki, Stain continued his rant. "This society has become overgrown with fakes. These fakes are destroying what a Hero should be, and they shall be purged. Villains who wave their power without purpose shall also be purged" Stain's knife closed in on Shigarki's neck, but when it almost touched the hand Shigaraki has on his face, Shigaraki quickly grabbed the knife preventing it from touching the hand.

"Wait a minute, not this hand. I'll kill you." The blade begins to crumble from Shigaraki's quirk "You talk too much, Conviction? I don't have anything as grand as that. If I had to say, yes it would be All Might. I want to destroy this society for worshipping trash like him," Shigaraki started to give Stain a bad feeling, noticing a strong will and untapped potential inside the man-child.

The focus in Shigaraki eyes caused Stain to tense up, he quickly let go of the knife and jumped back as Shigaraki tried to grab him again. The feeling Shigaraki had given off evaporated as the villain acted as he did before, allowing Stain to relax a bit. 

"I just finished healing my last injury, and now I have another one. We don't have a healer in our party, you know," Shigaraki was becoming increasingly irritated with Stain as his hand kept scratching at his neck. 

"So that's who you are?"

"Huh?" Shigaraki stopped scratching his neck, confused by Stain's rhetorical question. 

"It seems our goals oppose each other. However, we agree on one thing, to destroy the present."

"You're irritating me, go home, die. I'm the type of person you hate most right?"

"I was testing your true motives. People show their true colors on the verge of death. There is something similar to a desire inside you, but more importantly, I have a better understanding of why he is with you." Putting away the knife as Stain points to Midoriya who has been glaring at him this entire time, like a dog eager to be let off a leash. "Let me give you some advice, nurture that desire inside you, or you may end up swallowed by his. I am curious to see what becomes of you two, so I won't dispose of you here."

"Kurogiri, I don't want this person as a party member" 

"He could be a great asset if he joins Shigaraki" as he finished speaking Kurogiri suddenly realizes he can move his body again

"He would be toxic to the party instead" Shigaraki complained

"You don't have to worry about it" everyone in the room turns to Midoriya who's still glaring at Stain. "He won't be able to become a party member" 

Stain's eyes narrow, that was a threat and one Stain knew Midoriya would keep. "Take me back to Hosu, there are things I still have to do there." 

"Do it," Shigaraki orders as Kurogiri opens up a portal, Stain quickly goes through, heading back to Hosu. Upon Stain's departure, Shigaraki turns to face the TV. 

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